If you are like me, and you like soft furry things, then you probably like to wear faux fur coats in winter, too. I personally really like this trend, it gives each of my outfits some “fashionista” or “street star” look. Ha!
Scroll down to the end of this post, where I share my top 10 faux fur coats picks this season. I hope you like some of them, too!
In Chinese: 有没有和我一样喜欢毛绒绒玩具或毯子的朋友呢?不知道这个是不是我喜欢在秋冬天穿(假)皮毛大衣的原因?但是有一点可以肯定的说,(假)皮毛大衣总是会给每款造型带上些都市的奢华感,或者是街拍明星的酷酷感。
What I Wore:
Faux Fur Coat // Turtleneck Tee // Straw Bag // Skinny Jeans(new favorite, and they are only $48) // Zara Polka Dots Shoes // Gucci Sunglasses
What I Wore:
Faux Fur Coat // Turtleneck Tee // Straw Bag // Skinny Jeans(new favorite, and they are only $48) // Zara Polka Dots Shoes // Gucci Sunglasses
Your shoes and coat are super cool and unique!
Such a cute and fun look! Always Love the teddy coat for the Winter season! ♥️
The fact that it is so bright colored makes it so pretty and unique! I love it!
Olga from Myme
Love the very light pink faux fur coat pick – so cute!
Diana | http://thechicdiary.com/blog/11/30/2017-red-black-zara-high-low-plaid-shirt-plush-moto-leggings
You look amazing; your coat adds a great pop of color to your outfit and all the Selections you picked are beautiful.
I love that yellow fur coat! It adds the perfect amount of color.
More color please,