Gifted Celine

At the beginning of my blog career, I knew another Chinese girl who was living in Canada, my blogger friend Pink Babydoll.  We had so many common interests and chatted online almost everyday; we shared all kind of funny stuff online, including our shopping experiences and some things about our personal life as well. She was so kind to give me several beautiful things, and this pair of Celine Pumps is one of them. But one day, she seemed to disappear from the world and never came back — hasn’t replied to any email/messenger, her blog hasn’t been updated since then.  Just — poof! Gone.

Have you ever experienced anything like that? I have no idea what happened there.  We never met in real life before, just in cyberspace, and I know she has other family and friends around, so I am not worried that there something happened to her and no one reported.

Anyway, everytime  I wear these shoes, it reminds me of our friendship, and I really wish to find out what happened with my dear friend, I have missed you!

Gifted Celine Pumps, J.Crew Cardigan

I bought the Shorts and the bag when I was in China few months ago

D&G watch, Forever21 ring, H&M bracelet wore on both legs:)

20 thoughts on “Gifted Celine

  1. 我也经常看粉红娃娃的BLOG,也是发现她很久很久都没有更新,也找不到她了。希望一切安好。

  2. I hope she is okay. Maybe she´s in the witness protection program and not allowed to have contact with her former friends. Or I watch to many movies and have a vivid imagination. Anyway it was really kind of her to give you these pretty shoes 😀

  3. 对哦,之前我都看到她的留言什么的,现在连Hallie也找不到这朋友。

  4. 很想念娃娃,她还给我邮寄过可爱的小熊,真后悔当初没有留下电话.真希望她一切都好 !

  5. 她或许去旅行了?一看到看她名字这么熟悉,因为她之前也是一直在博客里留言的。

  6. I so love the pumps, the color and the leather ribbon give off a lovely whimsicality which is so so welcome in Summer!

    btw, I really hope your friend is ok and one day you’ll be reunited! 🙂

  7. 以前我和娃娃也有互相在對方的博客留言交流的…起初我在猜她會不會有了baby所以太忙了不寫博客了….說真的是有點擔心…可能她有她的原因吧 wish her all the best!!

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