Indian Summer

It’s October, and it’s officially Fall season, but right here, in Southern California, we are still baking in the desert heat. It’s a little bit frustrating when you sweat a lot by walking outside under the sun, but at the same time your skin feel extremely dry…

I got these wedges from Zara, not that I like its look similar with the Celine 2012 Fall collection, but the color really is a perfect match with my Celine Nano. I have been collecting some of the fall layers inspirations in my Pinterest board here. I hope the weather will cool off soon; I’m really looking forward the real feeling of Fall.


ASOS color blocked Denim shirt(on sale), ASOS Premium High Waist Floral Shorts, Zara Wedges

Celine Nano, Prada Sunglasses(love these new style, so simple and classic)

Bracelet: ASOS, Rocks Paper Metal, Noir

13 thoughts on “Indian Summer

  1. 秋天這個季節真是令人又愛又恨啊!

    皇家藍的冏包和坡跟鞋真美。天生一對挺搭的 ^^

  2. 秋装,秋装..我一件都没有备.还是去年的先穿吧.

  3. I think I saw these shorts on the asos campaign with nicole warne and loved them but couldn’t find them on the site – they are completely amazing and I really really want the shoes too… you’re costing me money hallie!

    ♥ ThankFifi
    Thanks so much for your comment on my post 🙂

  4. we’re shirt twins yay! 🙂

    Love your unexpected twist to the look offered through the high waisted shorts!! Beautiful deep colors wonderfully chic!

  5. Sigh, I m feeing the same frustration about the warm weather. I bought a few very nice winter jacket/coat tht I can’t wait to wear them, but judging by how hot this whole season is, I am worried that we might not even have a real winter coming ahead 🙁

  6. These shoes look more chic on than on the Zara website, I like. It looks like you have a toned down version of the fall/winter_wine/burgundy/oxblood lip look going on, very pretty.

  7. I love the solid blue colour on you. Of course the whole outfit looks great on you as always:) It seems funny to me to think somebody could actually be wishing for cooler temperatures… we’ve had a gorgeous September, but temps are down to a cool 16 degrees Celsius now. Calfornia sun, come on up here!

  8. Petra, to give a contrast to our temperatures, today was the first day BELOW 35 Celsius in about 2 weeks. But as we like to say in Los Angeles, Sure, iIt’s hot, but it’s a dry heat.”

  9. 这双鞋颜色真的很美,造型也很优雅,只不过好像不带防水台,穿起来会不会比较累啊?

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