Fancy Pants in Real Life

I especially added the last picture to today’s post. Do you feel the way I feel?—- All the pictures look so “fancy” except the last one, somehow that’s how I feel about the blog/fashion world being different from “real life.”  While looking “fancy” in the post, I am in a worried mood and busy dealing with Red Bear’s sickness the last couple days.  The poor little thing got a fever when he was in school last Friday and we had to bring him home early when the school called.  He had chills, fever, and a cold.  He is still pretty sick this weekend, couldn’t go to church or to visit grandpa, and I am so sad that he can’t make it to the school today.

Sometimes the blog world is one way to escape the real life, but what matters to us are still those people who are around us.

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 ASOS Pants, Free People Jacket(from 2 years ago),

Chanel Bag, Alexander Wang Shoes


19 thoughts on “Fancy Pants in Real Life

  1. Sweet, sweet last photo. I hope RB feels better soon! On another note, those pants are AMAZING! I love how emerald green looks with black and the ruffle detail on the jacket adds a nice touch of romance. Great outfit!

  2. 終於等到褲子啦!超級好看而且很獨特!

  3. Hope Red Bear gets well soon!!! The last pic is my favorite btw. Of course you look fancy and stylish. Love the cool pants and these hot hot awesome heels <3


  4. Oh, Hallie…hope the little guy feels better really soon!! As a mom, it’s hard seeing the kids sick : (

    You look amazing though…as a blogger and a mother! (I LOVE those pants!!)


  5. 祝RB早日康复!小男子汉会很快好起来的。

  6. So well-said my lovely Hallie. It’s beautiful how mothering is always the most important role and the last picture accentuates the idea in the most poetic manner. I hope Red Bear feels great now! Your look is remarkable! Can’t love this enough!

  7. 最后一张好温馨哦。

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