Floral Dress in Grand Marais

Floral Dress in Grand Marias_11

Hi, everyone, how are you? We are still staying in Grand Marais here exploring around and having fun with our family.

The wedding on Saturday was such a great one, the weather was perfect, everything went just well, we got to meet some of our other family that Red Bear and I had never meet before. So you can imagine how much we have to talk about. I will share with you some pictures soon.

Thank you for visiting my blog today, and wish you have a great day there, too!

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Floral Dress in Grand Marias_0

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Grand Marias, Floral Dress_6

Dress: ASOS

Bag: Vintage

Sunglasses: Karen Walker No.1

Sandal: Sole Society (last seen here)

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8 thoughts on “Floral Dress in Grand Marais

  1. Looks like a gorgeous place for a wedding! I love your dress and the bag matches perfectly. Glad you all are having a fun time! <3


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