大吉大利 | Tangerines and Oranges

Given the importance of food in Chinese culture, it is not surprising that food plays a major role in Chinese New Year celebrations. “Lucky” foods are served through the two week Chinese New Year celebration, also called the Spring festival.

What gives a certain food symbolic significance? Sometimes it is based on appearance. For example, serving a whole chicken during the Chinese New Year season symbolizes family togetherness. Noodles represent a long life; an old superstition says that it’s bad luck to cut them. Both clams and Spring Rolls symbolize wealth; clams because of their resemblance to bouillon, and Spring Rolls because their shape is similar to gold bars.

On the other hand, a food may have special significance during Chinese New Year because of the way the Chinese word for it sounds. For example, the Cantonese word for lettuce sounds like rising fortune, so it is very common to serve a lettuce wrap filled with other lucky food. Tangerines and oranges are passed out freely during Chinese New Year as the words for tangerine and orange sound like luck and wealth.

I was shooting some tangerines and oranges pictures around our yard, wish you all the luck and wealth. !!!

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12 thoughts on “大吉大利 | Tangerines and Oranges

  1. 你又等上啦, 哈哈!!!好盯着我不放^^
    RB其实今天穿的很象老太太, 扎脚棉裤, 加红棉鞋再加中式小袄,,^^

  2. 呀, 不要,,,我好不容易有了个抢沙发的,,,,你再不来, 我就没有动力啦….呵呵…
    也怪我, 熟了以后乱说话,,,哈哈…

  3. 亲爱的祝你新年快乐哦!!!呵呵~每天都会来看你的呀~只是一直没有留言…

  4. Hallie的包包好可爱哦。好有中国风哦。RB也超可爱的,你们那看来真的快夏天的感觉吧。春节期间这也很热,幸好也有薄一点的衣服穿,但厚的还没用上。不知会不会再冷一番。。

  5. 我们这这两天是有点凉, 不是太冷, 我也只是照相的时候穿这裙子显喜庆的. 那个包包在二手货店淘的呢, 才1 美金, 嘻嘻…

  6. 谢谢波波, 我知道一直有一些朋友在默默的关心着我, 不管出来留言还是一直潜水, 都要谢谢大家!!! 也爱你们!!!

  7. HALLIE真有心,还拍了你家的桔子,长得很茂盛啊!RB穿唐装很好看呢!

  8. 我家这段时间桔子特别多, 天天都吃新鲜的, 都担心把自己吃黄了, 呵呵…

    就是桔子树长得不好看, 东倒西歪的, 哈哈, 所以都没敢照全颗照.

  9. 嘻嘻, 祝亲爱的JIE新年大吉大利, 万事顺利, 希望我这个模特行当能早日成立, 呵呵!!!

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