$3 Dress

I found this polka dot dress in a thrift store for .99, another good found(I think)! It’s almost perfect! the material, the polka dot, the color, the length, the style, can be wear from spring to fall!

Another time Red Bear didn’t happy about me taking picture outside(don’t really know what he was thinking. heheh….) So I have to race with him and play with him a little bit during the photo shoot, I am glad I wear flat today. hahah….

It’s Chinese New Year Eve,,,I know that most of you must have a very happy and exciting day today, I wish you all the happiness!!!!!

Thrifted Dress

J Crew Cardigan

Dolce Vita Oxfords

Warehouse Bag

16 thoughts on “$3 Dress

  1. happy Chinese New Year to Hallie and your family. I bet red bear will be excited when you give him red envolope. nice dress, that color really looks good on you. $2.99 a freaking gooddddddddddd deal for a beautiful dress like that

  2. 多么素雅的裙子,多么温婉的女子~~~~~~凌晨下雪了~终于有点过年的气氛啦!提前拜年啦

  3. Happy Chinese New Year Tracy! and wish you and your family all the best, how will you spend the CNY Eve? tonight? or tomorrow night?
    my husband bought me a whole roast duck yesterday, it’s ALOT!!! so right now I really can’t think of where to have dinner for the CNY Eve. hahah….
    A red envelope for RB? hmm….good idea…I didn’t think of that before…I bet if he know what’s that. heheh…

  4. 哈哈, 亲爱的, 你是不是天天来抢沙发的呀, 我这么晚发贴子, 你什么时候都能差不多马上看到, 太晚睡觉对皮肤不好的哦…^^
    今天的大年三十, 祝你们全家吃得开心!!! 看春晚开心!!!!

  5. 还行啊,现在才下午3点哦,中部时间比你早2小时哦,中午吃完饭总是要爬上来看看滴~~~~~看来中午RB睡午觉你就上来回下贴~~~~~~

  6. 那可不是嘛, 呵呵, 你把我的规律都摸透了呀.^^

  7. 我能看自己网站,好像wordpress的网站都可以浏览。
    $2.99也太便宜了吧…跟不要钱差不多 :0

    我一直没发现妳在竞逐Chictopia Style Icon,今天把妳fanned了 🙂
    (我最近一直没进Style Gallery,很郁闷。)


  8. 也许给LG做顿中餐~~~中部暴风雪啊,没法出门啦,洛杉矶天气真好,羡慕呀

  9. we don’t really celebrate chinese new year! i don’t have many relatives here, my sister is at other state. so just regular stuff. but giving my son red envelope is a must:))

  10. 呵呵, 那个STYLE ICON不是我要竞逐的, 是她们网站根据每个人的粉丝量来选的吧, 谢谢加我FAVED. ^^
    BLOGROLL我也想弄来着, 只是我现在都不太有时间在网站上弄这些弄那些, 因为都得自己弄, 弄之前还得学习, 怕万一弄坏了,网站全乱了. 呵呵…
    现在就是凭着自己的一些兴趣来写写, just for fun. :))

  11. 我刚刚才吃了年夜饭, 现在好撑啊, 拍了些相片, 等下拿来显显, 呵呵. 你做的是什么中餐啊?

  12. same as here, I have none Chinese relatives here, so I just made a Big dinner tonight, I am so full right now. hahah….watching The Evening Party from CCTV, miss home in China…

  13. 这身装扮真淑女啊!裙子简直太便宜了。上些你做的年夜饭的图片来看看吧。

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