Happy Weekend, Darlings! I just came back to L.A. from a mini-vacation to Cancun, Mexico. I am so exhausted, and sad at the same time because my 11 year-old boy is away from home on a Boy Scout backpack camping trip this weekend. and this is the toughest one so far. The Scouts are carrying everything they need on their backs, and hiking into the mountains — his pack looks so big and heavy!
Anyhow, I am happy to be home and also happy my little babe is going to grow into a little man soon. (OK, I am sad about that too!)

So, how are you? I hope you are enjoying the early Fall? I wore this outfit before the trip to Mexico — I love this plaid midi skirt so much, and you know I am a midi skirt fan! I personally think everybody should own at least one midi skirt in their closet. He-he . . . and see my favorite midi skirts picks below: