70’s Western X Ladylike |70年代的西部与淑女风格

Yes, this yellow skirt is the 2nd piece I got from the thrift store, it fit me so well. And I like the color so much!

When I wear this outfits before we came out,  I asked my husband: Am I look like 70’s ladylike? He said, but you wear boots, kind of western, so here is the title come from: 70’s western X ladylike.

And I have to mention this new headband I got from Nordstrom, I fall in love with them in the first sight, I can’t decide which color I want, so I get them all….hahah….so from now to then , you will can see me wear those headband a lot. I hope you like them too.

Vintage blouse/boots

Thrifted vintage yellow skirt

Asos Bag

YSL ring(left hand)

Lucky brand ring(right hand)

Tasha Headband

16 thoughts on “70’s Western X Ladylike |70年代的西部与淑女风格

  1. 好有中国风的感觉.要是配个低跟的皮鞋就更像学生时代的味道吧.裙子颜色好鲜艳,我们这都很少看到的.Hallie还是穿得这么薄的,真好哦.RB都是穿得比较休闲吧.这组照片还真不象两母子呢.妈妈年轻哦.哈..

  2. 很喜欢HALLIE这套哦, 第一张照片简直就是个16岁的少女嘛…RB象HALLIE的弟弟哦, 70年代的淑女? 估计那时候HALLIE还没出生吧, 呵呵….

  3. 我原来也想穿低跟的皮鞋来着,后来又不想穿长袜,所以穿靴子喽, 呵呵.不知道下次换上低跟皮鞋效果会不会更好些?^^

  4. 哇!青春貌美的hallie!不用装,本来就很嫩啊!

  5. 裙子的颜色真的是很亮呢!让人感觉到了春天!喜欢这套既淑女又牛仔的混搭!
    我真的是落下太多博文啦, 看来只有回去后慢慢补课啦!呵呵。

  6. 我倒是很等着看你的博文呢,都买了啥什么的....卓雅之类的,反正就是那种我看着好看又够不到的那种,哈哈.

  7. 谢谢看看!真的现在是感觉岁月不饶人了,眼睛周围的毛病越来越多,我都跟我老公说要去咨询医生,做美容手术什么,他说,你这个年龄就开始做,以后做了就停不下来了啵....汗....

  8. 这个头箍真有复古味!一直在寻找这样一个有复古味但是又适合我的头箍………………

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