Healthiest Food on Earth

Are you a Vegetarian or do you intend to be? I would recommend Dr. John McDougall to you.  [He was called the “Number 1 physician in the United States” by a group called Physicians for Ethical Medicine.]  Bob has been following him for twenty years, and we even attended his health seminar program for 3 days.

Dr. McDougall even said: Mediterranean food is among the healthiest food on Earth, because they eat a lot of fruit and vegetable, and less meat and fat..  He opposes the “rich Western diet” full of meats, dairy products, and other animal protein.

Saturday’s dinner we tried Mediterranean food in our home area.  It was OK, Bob and me both agree it’s good for a Summer cruise, and it’s healthy:D

I think some of you might want to ask : “where is Red Bear today?”:)

Opening Ceremony Lace up wedges

Pajama Shorts

Asos Sweater

William Rast for Target Denim shirt

Zara Bag

H&M Sunglasses/Bracelet/Ring

D&G watch


32 thoughts on “Healthiest Food on Earth

  1. I love the red burst i.e the bag<3 oh..why is it that the untastiest food is always the most healthy.haha..not a big fan of mediterranean food,i guess!
    btw love the way you layer your clothes:)

  2. Adorbale, lady! The hat is cute too and the perfect finishing touch! The food picture is making me crave pita and hummus…yum! I’m not a vegeterian, but I do stay away from dairy and limit meat (especially red)…there are other sources of protein.

  3. 我也想吃得清淡的,但每天都好油哦。也担心不够健康,慢慢来改变饮食习惯吧。Hallie的新鞋子出场。漂亮哦。RB的睡相好可爱哦。

  4. 哗,全英文哦。我是中文啦。。告诉Hallie,我帮我家YY报了名今年读小小班的幼儿园啦。不知道决定是否合适,但我家附近的小孩都报了,所以还是跟大队吧。有时跟LG商量,还是担心小孩子太小就要上学不太好,应该多游戏多去游玩什么的。但没办法,只能这样了,看到Hallie每天陪着RB,又带他去玩,RB好幸福,好开心哦。RB的上学问题有在计划内吗?

  5. 吃的清淡少油,這我最沒辦法了。



  6. 好喜欢新鞋子啊!又长草了!短裤也很性感!

  7. i can never be a vegetarian as i love food too much to give up any groups of food 😛 yup, i also read that mediterranean food is the healthiest. i guess it is all about having a balance diet and eat everything in moderation 🙂

    love your outfit today. rarely see you in such dark outfit. and i almost thought RB is an energizer bunny as he was always running about in all your photos. kekeke. so he does sleep 😛

  8. Omgod summer cruise in the Mediterranean?? WOOOWWW!! Greece should be in the plan! 😀 😀 Yes, I have to agree, Mediterranean food is really healthy. Well, of course people here eat a lot of, you know, unhealthy western stuff, but the majority of people do continue to eat a bit healthy. Well, I guess it’s an awesome diet, because it’s really tasty too 😀
    Aaaanyway, I was OF COURSE gonna ask where Red Bear was! hahha! He is sleeping?? Seriously?? Would have never guessed! I was sure that he is some form of vampire-child with endless amounts of energy and a cute smile on his face! Red Bear <3
    As for you, pretty lady, you ROCK! I so love the way you styled the cute booties! The shorts are adorable, the fabric seems to be really soft! Is it silk? And the sweater over the shirt gives off a high school air! Plus, I LOVE your bag, ring, watch, bracelets, hat! Everything's FANTABULOUS!!!!! 😀
    Kisses 😀

  9. 今天换了火狐浏览器,才发现,hallie的照片都出来的好美啊^^

  10. 啊? 这么说, DORIS以前看我的相片都是变形的? 那真的要谢谢你还这么坚持看下来呢:)

  11. For me, I think food is like cloth, have to find out what’s fit you, I don’t know if that right or not, I know my hubby always think being vegetarian is better diet and healthier, but I just can’t have meat-less meal, but I do eat a lot of fruit and vegetable and nuts, more than meat:)….
    About Red Bear’s part,,,you always right about him and you know him so well…hahaha….that’s why I say both of you cute,,,I can’t imagine to have you play with Red Bear,,,you will drive each other crazy, lol…

  12. yes, monthsly, my hubby have been asking me:”Where is my always black wife,”…he knew I used to wear black lot, but not anymore…he is happy about that though:D

  13. eating healthier is not only about loose weight, but more…I know you must know that:)

    I am glad you like Mediterranean food. 🙂

  14. 呵呵, 看看喜欢这套还真让我觉得意外呢,,,觉得你会穿得很女人的…呵呵…
    国内的食品问题真的是没法提的, 都赚的黑心钱, 市场上的小吃都不太敢吃了….最近台湾不是也出了饮料问题嘛…

  15. 其实我也喜欢吃辣, 煮个汤什么的, 都要用辣椒酱油做沾料…呵呵…最过才看电视说, 一天两餐中加入些辣素, 有助于廋身呢,,呵呵…
    没想到你有那么高呢, 今天又看了你的相册, 和小姑娘没两样^^

  16. 我支持YY现在就上学啊, 我们9月也要去给RB找学校了, 不是因为要他学什么, 而是要培训他的社交能力, 交些朋友啥的….要不成天就是爸妈, 也不太好…

  17. 吃清淡些是好事呢, 我相信SUE的健康知识还是很不错的, 到了YY这一代, 一定会更健康的.^^

  18. 你们9月份找?不晚吗?我们这边这一阵子幼儿园全报满了,我是帮YY报名,可是刚收到通知满额了,我担心啊,又要再找别的,好迷茫,怎么办?其他的幼儿园都招了,不会这样的吧?现在忙着再找。。。

  19. 哈哈哈,說我和小姑娘一樣…

  20. 看来是我浏览器的问题了,一直都是变形的

  21. 上面那大串的英文, 是我来自希腊的小读者, 呵呵….
    我当然记得你这个小粉丝啦, 亲爱的是不是换个浏览器试试看:)

  22. 我们这边的幼儿园还好啦, 不过想要找好的, 真的也是得慢慢找, 所以也急不得….
    SUE也不用着急的, 今年不行, 明年也不会太晚吧…

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