Sleep Aid For Night

Finally got a pretty good sleep last night after took a natural sleep aid supplement, haven’t been slept well these days. Don’t know what’s on my mind.

You might think Red Bear is sleep better than me,,,but read what it said it Baby Center:

Night terrors occur when a child moves from deep sleep to a lighter sleep, usually between 10 p.m. and midnight. Your child may sit up in bed and scream or fling himself around, sweating and breathing hard. Even though his eyes are open, he won’t be awake or responsive to you. In fact, it’s often difficult to wake someone in the middle of night terrors, so don’t try. Just stay with him to make sure he’s safe. He won’t even remember the episode the next day. (In comparison, nightmares happen in a stage of light sleep later on, often in the early morning. Children may cry or call for help. They may run into your room, sharing details of the horrible monster that was chasing them. Or they may not be sure what upset them. With a little comforting, they’ll usually relax.

I guess we are human, so we all have these or those problems….

Red Bear is checking, checking the time…

Checking the…..Errrrrr…..

Vintage Blouse

ASOS Trousers/Ring

Miu Miu Heels

Bally Bag

Chanel Sunglasses

28 thoughts on “Sleep Aid For Night

  1. 真感到内疚!

  2. Love those mustard trousers.They look fresh with the bold vertical stripes! Awww… Little Bear is so cute. I love boys in plaid. My guys are away for a couple days to visit gramma and grampa, while I’m stuck at home due to work deadlines. It’s soooo quiet around here!
    Wearing motherhood with style.

  3. 哈。。JIE的那句狼来了我还没说过了,可能我家YY也不知道,不害怕了。不过我还会安抚一下宝宝的。这样我自己才能再睡觉嘛。RB好可爱哦。白白嫩嫩的,嘻。真想给个魔法亲亲RB,这一阵子YY都有给我呢。哦,今天一早,YY开电视就看到那个朵拉哦。上次看到你们说起,我还专门留意了一下,里面有英语出现呢,在国内的卡通能出现英文很好哦。可以让YY多看一下,虽然听不懂。看来我也可以学学。

  4. 頭上的蝴蝶結髮帶好可愛好可愛~
    hallie是少女是少女> <


  5. Hallie:这是我写的第二遍留言,第一遍没有发送成功。话说这睡眠质量当妈妈的或多或少都有影响来的,有所得必有所失啊!那个单身的年代还不是倒头就睡然后自然醒。回想那时我家小宝在快3岁的时候有次发高烧时她老爸还出差,我那压力是莫名的大,精神又高度紧张,失眠了两三天来的,但是一切都会好起来的,我这样鼓励自已。话说小RB的第二张照片粉可爱啊,我好喜欢,抓拍的技术也不简单哦,今天穿的衬衫和裤子,大爱哦!愿HALLIE一切都好!

  6. 没想到Hallie除了时尚触觉灵敏,翻译水平也是一流哦!继续仰慕你!

  7. Hiii!!! You look stunning again! The pants are perfect, beautiful color and I love the way they look with the vertical stripes 🙂 And the headband is really cute as well!! I’ve never tried to wear a headband, so I think I’ll try it these days 😀
    Night terrors?? :/ I haven’t heard of this before. Isn’t it a little terrifying?? A bit of the “Exorcism”. I find it kinda weird, but I guess that as Red Bear’s getting older this stuff will go away, right? He’s just a beautiful and cute baby after all 🙂 I love the way he’s checking his watch! You know, he’s like he’s organizing the program of the day, so that he doesn’t forget anything hahah! Cuuuutiiieee!!!
    Bye bye! 😀

  8. I am start imagining how will you look like with headband on, must as cute as Red Bear checking his watch:D
    Last night he found a little girl in the restaurant wear a pink watch, he was so upset he didn’t wear his, lol…but he told her his watch at home tough, hahaha…

  9. 汗….说得我都惭愧了,,,当时匆匆翻译来的, 都没检查仔细, 亲爱的如果发现有错误一定要告诉我哈….

  10. 也许是吧, 我好象就是当了妈妈后开始睡不好的, 一开始是要喂奶, 现在是担心他晚上踢被子,所以总是久不久就会起来查看他一下….所以就形成了习惯, 隔两三个小时就会醒一次….
    不过就象你说的, 有得必有失, 妈妈们握手….
    你说的你宝宝发高烧你独自一人的事情, 我也发生过, 晚上的时候, 老公出差, 宝宝从换尿布台上摔下来, 我当时真的是六神无主, 担心他摔断了什么,,,,幸亏也什么事都没有….

  11. 应该是吧, 我最近运动得也少点, 都是在院子里干活, 干累了也懒得出去走了….看来得又捡回来了.

  12. 我也是有一点小声响都会醒的….这段时间房顶半夜的时候经常有动物在走动, 晕死, 呵呵….
    你还毛细孔发炎, 真可怜….表示同情加慰问^^

  13. 呵呵, 妈妈们一交流起来话题特别多…..以前我没有孩子的时候, 是就讨厌女友们讨论孩子的, 晕……哈哈….
    YY是不是也喜欢看朵拉? 我们这边的朵 拉是既教英文又教班牙语的. 所以RB现在懂的单词比我多多了…..

  14. 其实我有时候也是和你一样的, 在那种睡得那么香的时候, 哪有心情去”安抚”, 呵呵,,,,没事的啦, 宝宝们知道妈妈们是爱他们的, 不管什么事情发生, 都不会改变 ….

  15. 是的,国外的朵拉是say it two ways,我每期都下载在IPHONE4上给翰翰看,他特别喜欢,而且有图片配着,所以很多他自己看两遍,居然就懂了,而且有的西班牙语的单词比我发音还准确呢。。。这样真的很好,妈妈也省很多事。

  16. 是阿,被吵醒是真的很想殺人的說!!!

  17. 这样啊。看来我也要让YY多看啦。但他是看,没听他说,可能在脑海内有点印象吧。我们的双语就是中英文吧。至于西班牙语就没有,这么多的种类,真怕搞不晕他把我搞晕啦。哈。。还是慢慢来。让他自己喜欢就学。

  18. 小朋友不怕晕的, 哈哈,,,我才不怕RB晕呢, 所以有空我就和他说中文或广东话, 有时候就骗着他让他跟我学着说, 但是他说中文就很别扭,,,怪了, 呵呵..

  19. 呵呵, 被吵醒已经习惯了, 我们家附近动物太多, 不是鸟叫, 就是动物在房顶上走, 或者就是园丁开始干活, 都从早上8点开始, 所以现在睡觉基本上是没法睡懒觉的, 呵呵…

  20. 是啊, 现在的电视教育性比较强,,,小孩看父母也开心, 所以现在有一说法了, 说电视是”电视保姆”, 呵呵…

  21. 哈。知道那个语腔吧。应该有美式口音,所以说中文会怪了。真想再听听RB的声音和Hallie的声音。可爱。

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