Malibu Beach

Saturday night, we finally made a trip to the Malibu Beach, to smell the salty water, to feel the wind in our face, to hear the gentle roar of the waves, so relax and calm.

“I like the beach “, Red Bear said:)

Malibu with its long wide, white beaches, continual sunshine and casual ambiance, is one of Southern California’s most famous beach resorts. Malibu Beach has always been a popular spot for Hollywood movies and television shows.

We were having dinner in the Chart House Restaurant, one of the ocean view dining place.

Too bad, there were not many food choice for vegetarian 🙁

The photo above shows the view we had from our dinner table at the Chart House Restaurant.

Below are some pictures I took when we were driving along the beach on the way to or going home from the restaurant, I hope you like them:)

29 thoughts on “Malibu Beach

  1. 全家人都在感冒, 还不敢下水呢, 而且RB还这么小, 这海浪太大了. …..等他再大点吧….

  2. A beautiful dress for the beach. You look gorgeous! Where is it from? The pattern is lovely. Glad you all finally made it out to the beach. We need to take our little guy out to the Oregon Coast… he loves the giant sandbox!
    Van // The Clothes We Wear
    Wearing motherhood with style.

  3. beautiful maxi dress!! RB’s top is so nice… love the block coloured stripes. he seems to like rocks a lot… always holding one. hope he threw them at the right direction! else would be OUCH OUCH OUCH! hahaha.

  4. 蓝天,白云,海滩,还有夏日的阳光,好喜欢哦。想起当年三亚的旅游,我很想一家人去一次海滩度假呢,YY还小,这个夏天就先计划一下去小梅滩玩玩。让他也玩沙看海的。RB有拾到贝壳吗?呵。。海边的小屋也很别致吧。Hallie的长裙很美呢。。

  5. 刚又打开电脑,本能的打开收藏,看见你的主页。我立马想到,姐姐之前说还会有更新的。你这一身在海边的感觉真美好。RB的小T也挺靓丽的。看第六张他闭眼的那张好陶醉啊!哈哈!

  6. 这条裙子真是太漂亮了。羽毛耳环也很漂亮。没记错的话裙子应该是去年HM还是zara的吧。

  7. WOW!! All these pics with you and Red Bear remind me of these fashion editorials shot at the beach! You seriously look stunning in this gorgeous maxi dress! You look like a gorgeous fairy 🙂 And the feather earrings are AWWWWEEEEEESOME!!! Love everything about you! 😀 And about Red Bear, he is sooo cute! I LOVE seeing little kids on the beach! Their footsteps on the sand crack me up, I don’t know why lol, but probably because they’re sooo tiny! 😀 Does he know how to swim?? I spent the last weekend with my brother trying to teach our little cousins how to swim hahah! They were sooo funny 🙂
    The place you live in is adorable! I like these pics you took and my favorite is the one with American Apparel 😀 hahha! 🙂 🙂
    Bye bye 😉

  8. I finally see Hallie in the beach!So beautiful dress in the beach,so romantic. Like RB said :I like the beach! This weekend we finally went to take a sun bath in a beach ,there was full of people in the beach,but we have enjoyed the time there. Here we are having heat summer!
    Hallie ,why some of the pictures above are tranfigured?? I like the pictures you took,are you a professional photographer?

  9. OMG beautfiul beach! I wish I were there 😀
    oh and your maxi dress is so pretty, I love the prints and great photos!
    red bear is the most CUTE boy I’ve ever seen! aaaaah he’s so cute while eating and drawing!! 😉

  10. That is the perfect dress to wear to the beach. I really like that photo of Red Bear scribbling away on the paper in the restaurant- it reminds me of me when I was a kid, I only needed a pen and paper to entertain myself!


  11. I wish I was at the beach right now!! That’s a great dress for this location! I love the shot of you and your son walking away, because your hair artistically looks like a cape!

    Live Life in Style

  12. oh..that is beautiful…..the place is beautiful…..I think red bear has the best of times with you…fun mom:)
    also you’re quite a sight in that dress!!

  13. some pictures are tranfigured? really? can you try to look at them by firefox?
    No, I am not a professional photographer, hehehe….

  14. haha,,,,how old are your little cousins? we tried to teach Red Bear how to swim for 3 years, right now, he still swim with his swim jacket on, same as me:) hahaha…

    because most of time, only me and Red Bear stay in the pool, I don’t want any accident happy between he and me….hahah…

  15. 海边的小屋是既漂亮又贵, 很多名人和明星都在这个海滩上置有房产呢...

    SUE要带YY出去玩可能要避开暑假呢, 觉得这段时间放假应该人会比较多吧?

  16. He always like to throw rocks, we have some rocks inside the house too…opps…

  17. Dress is from Urban Outfitter, long time ago:)
    haha,,,I will tell Red Bear about what’s giant sandbox:D

  18. 我好像忘了…RB跟他爺爺都是素色者對不??

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