Bright Yellow

Another weekend again.  Doesn’t time fly too fast?  [And Christmas less than 6 months away — AAACK!]

I had a really relaxed Friday (today), went to a famous area called “Farmer’s Market” and The Grove shopping area, checked on a Zara Sale and Red bear enjoyed riding on their trolley car.  Went swimming afterwards, and the whole family had fun in the new park near the house after dinner. Summer life can be really good and full of fun, don’t you think?

In one minute I am off to watch the movie “The Tourist” before sleep. Hope you have a great weekend too! XX

Zara top and Shoes and Sunglasses

Vintage Yellow skirt

Vintage Bag and cuff

H&M Hat

37 thoughts on “Bright Yellow

  1. 哈,,全英文?幸好看得懂,明白意思,你们那农夫市场又开始了?看到你们周末都有节目,而且是全家人的,真羡慕哦。我好久没去玩了。计划都没有进行,很多原因。这一阵子又刚好很多事情,看来还得再推,心情也没放松,看来真是好好放松一下才行。你那裙子真的是很BRIGHT哦。应该也很阳光吧。代表加州的阳光?怎么没看到RB?但看到你家某人的影子呢。嘻。^_^

  2. 颜色好正啊!我明天要参加英语考试,不过对于我来说是没问题的。Have a great weekend too!

  3. Awww wow! This outfit is so beautiful! Oh the skirt is stuuunning, the color, the shape <3 love! It seems so 50s to me! Awesomeness! And the top is adorable, fruit tops are so in right now, but I don't know what I think about them. After seeing this cutie one though, I think I'll have to get myself one at last 😀 The hat is amazing as well! You look wonderful! 🙂
    And I know what you mean about summer life! Every day I have lessons, so I try to enjoy on weekends 🙂 Today I spent 4 hours in a secluded beach! It was so awesome! 🙂 It was like a private beach lol! Anyway, I'm glad you're having a nice time 🙂
    See you <3 😉

  4. 哇,全英文!

  5. Love those colors,and the vintage blouse! Well,actually I love all the pieces of the outfits! and the last post ,purple tone.Stunning !!!I love it!!
    Hallie,we’ll go to Italy for holidays,knew that you are enjoying the summer time! 😛

  6. 呵呵, 以后我还是会用中文写的, 但是要换个格式, 因为包括我老公的电脑在内, 很多我的国外的朋友的电脑是不显示中文的, 全部都是一方块, 看起来很难受, 起码我是这种感觉, 哈哈…

  7. Too bad, you don’t have Zara in your there :(, they are so sale right now, and so many beautiful things on sale….but I have to say you are luckier than me, since you got a private beach there! lol…
    What were you doing in the beach for 4 hours? BBQ or surf? hahaha…..

  8. SUE最近好象很多事啊, 希望你早点抽出点时间来好好和家人去玩玩哦:)
    你的想像力也真是够丰富, 黄色的颜色代表加州的阳光, 嘻嘻….RB那天照相的时候钻草丛玩了:)

  9. 你好瘦啊!哪里有小肚子?这身装扮很复古很淑女!喜欢!

  10. Not only do we have the same yellow Zara bag but the same fruit top! HAhaha I love it. These photos make me happy because they’re sun drenched. It’s dismal and rainy here in HK and I’m sick T-T


  11. Wonderful!
    farmer market,zara,dinner,swimming…this is a real summer family life.
    Be honest,I envy you..heheh

  12. 小肚子是肯定有些的!!! 毕竟是生了小孩的人嘛…不过有些角度看不出来就是啦, 呵呵

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