Stylehive, 365 Hangers and Glamour

A big thank you to Esma for this lovely feature on Stylehive!  (And please go check out the other bloggers they’ve featured in the same post, they are all amazing!?

Another big thank you to my dear friend Watermoolen(Crystal) (also feature in the same post on Stylehive)for feature me on 365 Hangers. You are such awesome writer!

And another feature on last month too. I was so lucky to be picked up as their best dressed reader?

25 thoughts on “Stylehive, 365 Hangers and Glamour

  1. Awww CONGRATS!!! I only saw the 365hangers feature a few days ago, but all of them are super awesome! Congrats congrats! You do deserve it, really! 🙂

  2. WOW!! Congratulation on the features, you truly deserve them!! *throw confetti* 😀 😀 😀 and so many of my favourite fashion bloggers are being featured along side with u too 😀

  3. You look stunning in this colour. I am really loving crochet as well. It’s like a summary version of lace 🙂 Saw the mom feature on Chictopia! You go girl!!! Definitely one of the most chic moms that I know

  4. Congrats! You deserve it, you have great style. That 70s style outfit was beautiful! I wish I had those long legs to rock those jeans!!

  5. Thanks Shay! indeed my legs are not too long, that’s why I always wear high heels:D

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