Water Mask

Bought a new water mask for Red Bear, this is his first time wore it. 🙂

A very easy Sunday, beautiful weather, we have fun in our swimming pool:)

How is your weekend?

The swim suit I was wearing was gifted by Bob several years ago.  Brand? What brand? ^^

26 thoughts on “Water Mask

  1. 哇,,真棒!夏天就是要玩水嘛~

  2. 哈哈!红色比基尼很漂漂啊!你家游泳池的水怎么可以这么蓝的?真是气死个人!

  3. 不得不问hallie当时生RB是自然生产,还是剖腹产,怎么身材一点看不出呀,借鉴一下,羡慕中

  4. Awww he is SO cuuuuute!!!! I always love seeing little kids with water masks, they’re so funny! I’m glad you had that much fun 🙂 And WOW!!! You’ve got one hell of a body, Hal!! WOW! And imagine, you had already one child wow! Super awesome! And the bikini is beautiful, the color is amazing! Your hubby has great taste 🙂 Bye bye :*

  5. It’s funny to see Red Bear wearing that mask, because his head is too big, it’s so hard to put it on in the beginning, hahah….About your saying”my hubby has great taste”, I think he will be very happy to read that:D Thank you! XX

  6. 说实话, 不知道会不会,因为很多情况下都是大白天和宝宝穿着救生衣游的,呵呵, 我担心如果有意外,怕两个人谁也救不了谁, 哈哈.
    在老公也一起游的情况下, 我曾经试着将救生衣脱下游来着, 可以折腾几下, 哈哈!

  7. 游泳池的水是要经常清洗放化学品清洗的.我们家这池子的水从去年到今年都没换过, 都是找专业公司专门清洗的, 也有绿的时候, 那个时候就得放些东东进水里, 就变兰喽, 呵呵,具体我也说不太清楚:D

  8. 呵呵,少吃多动嘛. 其实你还不是嘛,都已经是两外孩子的妈妈了, 还象个高中女生...

  9. Red Bear is too freakin’ cute! I love soaking in the pooll during summer time. Last summer we lived super close to the community pool that had a big sandbox, too… and went several times a week with our membership. But since moving to a new city, we’ve not been to the pool at all! Though there are plenty of local parks with fountains for kids to play, which we visit often. The only pool action so far was over the Fourth holiday at our friend’s house and BBQ. (I love the last photo of RB).
    Van // The Clothes We Wear
    Wearing motherhood with style.

  10. 游泳啊。好开心。我上个星期带YY去了一次,但是公共的泳池,成人多,小孩多,总感觉不太干净,要是有自己的泳池真好,你们一家人玩得应该很开心啦。应该可以天天来个下水吧。不得不说,Hallie的身材超棒,看见都流口水。嘻。泳衣也很漂亮,感性的。RB会游泳吗?

  11. 哇!!真性感!!!

  12. 花纹肚? 哈哈,,,你说的是那种纹纹吗? 我当时怀孕的时候听人介绍天天抹一种油, 那种纹纹从没长过…也不知道是不是那种油油起的作用…

  13. 嘻嘻, 是啊, 天气越来越热了, 天天下几次水都没问题, 就是担心晒的问题, 不过现在问题也不大了, 反正已经被晒黑喽…
    RB穿救生衣会游泳, 等他大点再敢放手让他游.

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