House with a Million Dollar View

Last Sunday, we were invited to a friend’s “housewarming party” after they moved into a new house.

The house is located right on the crest of the Hollywood Hills, a mountain range that divides the north half of Los Angeles from the rest of the city.  On one side of the house you could look down on the northern valley, on the other side you could look down on the central area of the city.  What a view!

It wasn’t easy to get there — we had to park about 2 blocks away on a lower street, and carry a sleeping Red Bear up the hill.  But after we sat down, the view around the house, front and back, was so beautiful! One word to describe–incredible!

I was wearing: Zara Tee, Kasil + Taylor Jacobson Jeans, Marc By Marc Jacobs Clutch, Chanel Flats, Vintage Necklace and bracelet

A dreamed bath tub, with the view like that, how long and how often you would like to stay inside? tell me 🙂

Or do you agree with Bob, who asked, “What do you do when a helicopter or airplane flies by and the pilot looks in on you?”

18 thoughts on “House with a Million Dollar View

  1. 哇,好棒的視野~
    看起來就像是燦爛的寶石一樣> <

  2. 第一次看見綁馬尾的hallie喔~


  3. 其实我很不喜欢出门扎马尾呢, 觉得都不象自己了, 呵呵…不过那天的头发实在是很没有型, 而且又没时间洗头,,,所以…呵呵…也幸亏穿了平底鞋, RB是到处跑, 楼上楼下, 前院后院的, 累死我了, 呵呵…

  4. 哈哈, 怎么男人都那样, 或者是不是我们女人都太讲浪漫了? 嘻嘻…RB好喜欢那个女头发的小女孩的, 比RB大三岁 ^^

  5. WOOOWWW!!! Are there really houses like that?? *_* It’s so beautiful! I would stare all day! What to choose? The valley or the city?! Awesomeness! And OH EM GEE!!! THE bath! THE bath! hahahha, mr. Bob is right though! 😀 I guess that the pilot would be super excited and you super embarassed lol! 😀 That was a good question though hahaha 😀
    And I really really REALLY love this outfit! I have all the pieces to recreate it (that is to say, copy it!)! The pants are amazing and how cute is the necklace! You’re beautiful! Oh and this pic of you lying on the hammock is SO gorgeous! One of the best pictures of yours 🙂
    Red Bear was sleepy? That is new lol! But he looks so cute! Especially in the third to last picture 🙂 This girl with the red hair is so cuuute 🙂 Was Red Bear hitting on her? hahahaha! 😛 😛

  6. 能住那样的环境,除了幸福就是幸福了!

  7. Dream House….不仅房子漂亮,那环境更美。希望自己努力工作,将来能拥有一间漂亮的房子,一家人开心地生活在一起。有机会都很想参观Hallie的房子呢。可能这个更难达到咯。RB对那女孩很好吧?异性相吸?看来小女孩也很喜欢RB。哈。

  8. 好喜欢最后一张夜景,很梦幻的感觉!住在这样的环境真是心旷神怡,独特、优美的环境就是这处豪宅的价值所在吧。

  9. 是啊, 当时我们在那里的时候, 我就在想着, 如果就那样坐着, 看着美景, 品着好茶, 听着轻音乐或是风声, 该是多美的一种享受. 结果老公来了一句, 对啊, 成天就是坐着喽, 想做点运动什么的, 都没地方跑, 晕…

  10. 我家的房子呀,,,我也盼着能有一天亮给大家看看,,,呵呵,,,总有那么一天吧!:D
    RB对那女孩特别好, 那女孩也喜欢RB, 总给RB送礼物:)

  11. 哈哈, 就是哦, 我现在想想, 如果直升飞机飞行员真的来了, 我就躲在一堆泡泡里, 伸手跟他打招呼, 哈哈..

  12. The girl in red hair 3 years older than RB, they are very good friends. When Red Bear was a baby, he got his car seat, stroller, baby-crib from this girl’s left-over, hahaha,,,I guess maybe that’s they they so connected.
    About the pilot question, my answer will be:” I will hide inside all the bubbles, and wave and say hi to the pilot, ! 😀

  13. Hello,Hallie!!!!!!I´m here again!Ennnn,i’m so glad that you are still here,open my laptop the first thing is visit Halliedaily.:P
    I love this topic,as you said this house situated right on the crest of Hollywood hills,so what can we expect??hahaha,incredible views as you posted here!
    I like the photo you lying on the hammock,looking at the sky,and counting airplanes fly past,let’s life!Yes…that bathroom have amazing view,i think i will stay inside the whole weekend,jajaja,and I’ll wave my arms with a super sweet smile to the pilot whose looking into the bathroom,then call to police ,here in the valley have an aircraft accident,hahahha:P
    Hey,RM has a gf?hahahaha


  14. Oh, Joanne, you finally back! How was your trip? I bet it must was very exciting and full of fun!
    About the pilot issue, don’t call police! You want to have a party or what? hahaha…

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