
We had a REALLY hot day yesterday — the temperature outside was 108F when we went to dinner!  Too bad our indoor AC was not working very well, so we got a new little AC and took half day to install that. So I only had about 10 minutes to dress in this outfit and take some photos before we headed out to meet Red Bear’s grandpa for dinner together. I was planning just to put on a strapless dress, then I got bored immediately, so I added a long skirt to make a BIG CHANGE to this outfit, which I like a lot [and Bob too, of course!]  😀 I hope you like it, too!

You can see me wear the strapless dress without a long skirt here.

Forever21 Dress and Long Skirt

Miu Miu Bag and Heels

AJ Morgan Sunglasses

Floral Cuff From a friend

Zara Flower Pin


27 thoughts on “Lavender

  1. Thank you Joyce, indeed, I have several colors of them:) That mean I love them too!

  2. hallie真厲害,短短的10分鐘都能有這麼棒的穿搭,說是高手一點也不為過。
    謝謝hallie妳總是在穿搭上給我們那麼多的驚喜,每天上來看妳就像是拆禮物一樣,好期待…> <

  3. 看不出有两条吊带裙哦。搭配得很好看,有层次呢。炎炎夏日,这个搭配最好了,又凉快又漂亮。Hallie的搭配灵敏很多哦,十分钟就可以出一套美丽的搭配。不止Hallie的老公赞一个,我也要赞一个哦。。。

  4. 说回YY那边。第一天上学还高兴的,抢着进去玩,听奶奶说回家后还好,眼睛有点肿,哭的。自己看电视什么的,老师报告说妈妈走了YY还是哭了,在幼儿园情况还好,早餐吃得不多,午饭可能饿了吃了大半碗,午睡一小时左右(规定两小时的)睡前醒来都哭着找妈妈。不太喝水。都有自己玩玩具,大概情况这样。但昨天是第二天,我们还没送他去就哭着不肯上学了,一路哭着,离开时还拉着我的腿,很伤心,不要去老师那,反正最后还是哭了。但那天具体情况不清楚,老师没报告。放学奶奶接,跟第一天一样,一见亲人哭得唏哩哗啦的,冲着出来。真是心疼呢。然后回家也经常哭起来,心情不太好,嘴里一直说不去老师那里,一说上学就哭闹,真麻烦。只能安慰他一下,今天看来又是拉锯战了,都是奶奶接送的多,我上班时间配合不到。其实我很想自己接送的。这情况可能要一个多星期或者更久,希望YY快点适应起来,高兴上学去,快乐回家来。

  5. 哈哈,听SUE这么一说,真形象!我家RB现在就是每周日进教堂学校,我和他老爸进教堂听书,他和同年龄段的小朋友在一起玩,第一次去的时候是他2岁的时候,一直哭个不停,就没敢再送去,现在三岁了,再去,居然一进教室就头也不回的不理我们自己玩去了,别的小朋友又是跟父母亲亲抱抱告别啥的,我俩只好灰溜溜的走了,哈哈...不过他喜欢就好....培养他的社交能力:)

  6. 谢谢SUE,不过这个不是两条吊带裙,是一条吊带裙,一条长裙,质地都比较轻的那种:)

  7. 其实很多时候我也是普通T加休闲裤的呀,只是那晚要出去吃饭,所以就穿得稍稍隆重些:)

  8. 你还真是创意无极限啊!十分钟诞生一个绝佳创意!而且整体搭配的色调很雅致!

  9. It’s a comfy outfits!i like the texture of the dress,with this high temperature this is the ideal outfits:D ,Great picture the second one,:P

  10. the strapless dress with ore without skirt is ADORABLE! seems like the summer still long there 😀
    the fabric of the skirt so soft and just so perfect with the top! I’m sure red bear’s grand like this outfit too! (and of course red bear too!) I have headband like that, but diffrent color 😀
    aaaah I really like to be friends with you and red bear there! hope i’ll go there SOOON! 😀

  11. Hello hello! I apologise for the lack of commenting lately, but I’m trying to enoy the last days of summer, because from the 1st I’ll be back to studying. And it’s already the 30th. BOOHOO. Aaanyway, you look so gorgeous! I love the idea of layering the skirt over the dress! You always come up with the best ideas, Hal! You have such a creative mind 🙂 OH EM GEE, how much do I adore these shoes! Every single way you have styled them is perfect! And the same goes for the bag! You’re sooo awesome! Really. 🙂 Oh and of course the’s soooooo cuuute! You actually look like a princess. Maybe it’s the pink sunnies or the flowy skirt and the bracelet. I don’t know what it is, but it’s amazing whatever it is lol! 😀
    Btw, the last time you styled the strapless dress is gorgeous as well! I wasn’t following the blog back in January (jeez, time DOES fly!), and I missed that one, but you had styled it PER-FEC-TLY! 😀

  12. yes! time goes fast! soon Xmas is here…only 4 months away!! wow…I hope I can visit China before that, have been 4 years not to see my family and friends there..
    Don’t get drunk in the last night before school! hahaha…

  13. 4 years?? WOW!! Red Bear has never been there? I think that you should go there as soon as possible 🙂
    And don’t worry, I never get drunk because I don’t drink. But exactly because of this, I can get COMPLETELY drunk with just one drink lol 😛

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