Feminine Silk and Burgundy Wine

If I have to choose one piece to wear to show the most feminine side, I will go for a silk dress. And what’s my favorite color for this Fall? Burgundy wine for sure!!

While we know the spring collections are always supremely colorful, the New York Fashion week has proved the bold, floral print, eye-catching colors will be more popular in Spring/Summer 2012. If you aren’t ready to buy more colorful dresses, go hunt in your closet. Mine was from 2 years ago, so is this jacket. No rule says you have to give away some clothes if you haven’t worn them in 2 years. (Wearing new clothes always makes me feeling happy and fresh, though. 🙂

The Chictopia Influential Blogger Awards is ending on the 30th of this month. If you haven’t voted yet,  I would appreciate you give it some time to vote for me! Again,  many thanks to those friends who have voted to me! And those votes really really mean a lot to me!!! Thank you so much!!

Zara Silk dress(old collection)

H&M Blazer (old collection)

Alexander Wang Shoes

Thrifted Bag

Karen Walker Sunglasses

D&G watch

Forever21 Bracelet

23 thoughts on “Feminine Silk and Burgundy Wine

  1. 以hallie的穿搭功力來說:舊衣總是可以穿出新意。
    重點是:洋裝的小V領,性感喔> <


  2. I’m in love with ur shoes!!!!!!! and Red Bear is just the cutest!!! u know he looks more chinese every day?

  3. 我觉得可能是这颜色的缘故, 加上款式比较古典, 所以现在看起来还不算很旧:)

  4. No!!!! in my eyes, RB is never grow up! all the same to me!!! hahaha,,,yes, he is having his straight hair and the summer tan make he looks more Chinese these days:)

  5. 一般我把头发扎起来就是因为懒得弄直或弄卷,,所以这段时间都是扎的马尾, 显年轻呗…呵呵…

  6. 早之前就有投过啊?怎么票数还是不够么?我去重新注册个名字再给你投一次哦,虽然没多大用,不过多一票是一票对不?呵呵!

  7. 既时尚又干练!新版的职场装扮教科书,呵呵!

  8. 这2天在整理秋天的外套,也有一件类似款式的黑色西服,准备拿来配一配长裙。

  9. Hi!!!! You’re so right! We can shop our own clothes! It’s so much more amazing to get to find new ways to style your clothes 🙂 Anyway, the look is adooorable! The dress is lovely and I’m desperately in love with this perfect blazer! The details on the sleeves are super pretty, aren’t they? The pop of red from the bag is gorgeous as well and so are the shoes! Perfection!
    Haha, this picture with Red Bear is really cuuute!!! And he’s holding….a little plane? I think he’s kind of addicted with airplanes, no? My brother used to be like that too and he had soooo many planes in his room lol! He still has them, but he doesn’t play with them (I think so, at least lol!).
    Many many hugs for you! Oh and I hoooonestly wish you’ll win to the Chictopia competition! <3

  10. Hahaha,,,the other day I looked at Red Bear’s picture, almost in every picture he was holding a airplane, he is really a air plane boy:)
    Too bad your brother don’t play airplane toy anymore, I bet if Red Bear get in your brother’s room, he woudn’t want to leave the room anymore:)
    Thank you for your wish for the Chictopia Competition, I think everything will come in natural:)

  11. 我现在就是头疼, 发现我好象都没有特别漂亮的丝质长裙, 物色ING

  12. 其实我现在还不知道票数的情况,,不过如果JIE能再注册个名字投多一次, 我将感激不尽!!!:)谢谢你了!!!

  13. 西装小外套。太吸引啦,从去年开始我就迷上了小西装外套,去年买了三件,都是黑色的,都是想瘦身效果好的原因。嘻。不过款式很正式那种,都没Hallie这件好看的,喜欢那泡泡袖,还有那长领子。Hallie穿得好好看哦。原因要这样搭配,让我也试试,找条长连衣裙去。嘻。应该可以找到的。

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