Another Beautiful Day

Santa Ana wind (which is the wind that comes into Los Angeles from the desert to the north) came to visit us again, very common this time of year.  Besides having fun to see all the leaves flying around, we finally got Red Bear’s little kite fly high in the sky. 🙂

A famous detective story writer named Raymond Chandler wrote a story called “Red Winds” about the Santa Ana winds.  He called them “those hot dry [winds] that come down through the mountain passes and curl your hair and make your nerves jump and your skin itch. On nights like that every booze party ends in a fight. Meek little wives feel the edge of the carving knife and study their husbands’ necks. Anything can happen.”

Another beautiful day for layering up!  Except feeling the need for more moisture in our skin, isn’t Fall the perfect season?

H&M coat(old) and Beret

3.1 Philip Lim Sweater

Thrifted Shirt

Zara lace pencil skirt

Miu Miu Heels

Louis Vuitton Bag

Chanel Sunglasses

YSL ring(right hand), Forever21 ring(left hand)

Tights (no brand, I don’t remember where I bought it.)

31 thoughts on “Another Beautiful Day

  1. 是呀,秋天是個可將夏天和冬天衣物做完美結合的季節。這個時候玩疊穿混搭就是最好的時候了!

  2. Fall is definitely the perfect season! =D Lovely outfit hun love the sweater and heels. Thanks for stopping by my blog =D

  3. This outfit seems so warm, definitely fitting for autumn! Really interesting ebony gems on the collar of the shirt too. Have a good rest of the week! (:

  4. 秋天是很好啊,尤其可以观赏枫叶,美极了!而且正如姐姐你所说,是将各种单品混搭的最好时机。其实春天也很好,可惜春季太短暂了,刚由冷转暖,还没来得及多感受春暖花开,又要变得炎热了!

  5. 每一件单品都很漂亮。喜欢秋天的混搭,毛线帽子和上衣很相配呢。在风吹落叶的小道上又是一大美景啦。

  6. 丝袜好性感啊!感觉你很少穿黑白灰,很优雅的造型!

  7. How gorgeous are you?! Oh…these Miu Miu’s are to die for! You are so stylish Hallie…love this ladylike look on you 😉 Well…I love every look on you…I have to admit that

  8. HALLIE戴什么帽子都那么漂亮,我也试过,就没你那么适合,也许该把头发卷起来.还有这件毛衣好美.

  9. I’m telling my friend I need a lace skirt I saw in Zara,open your blog and…there’s a skirt!It’s gorgeous!Love layering,I have to write it down,cause I’m gonna need it soon;)

  10. Santa Ana wind?? I feel like I know nothing about America haha!
    This outfit is awesome, honestly! The layering is just…unbelievable!! I adooore it! The Philim Lim sweater is just to die for and I love how it looks with the ladylike shirt and shoes. Everything’s absolutely perfect! Well, yes, I love fall too, just for the sake of crisp white collars peeking under beautiful and cozy sweaters 🙂

  11. Aww I love your blog and your work it’s so interesting to read about your life! I love how you shop at Zara. I work their in Santa Monica. You should visit some day! That would be so cooool!

  12. the layering is perfect!!! is the shirt a DIY?:) and I did a DIY too finally! haha made a parka into a vest:) and the oversize coat over the oversize sweater!!!! ahhhhh perfection!!!! and ur hair just looks amazing!!! how did u make it look like that?? how???? lol and I love ur beret! I have one so similar 2 that! but it’s so hiot here I almost never get 2 wear it:( and it looks so pretty in LA (never been there…)

  13. So pretty. I like the idea of layering a chunky sweater over a dainty pencil skirt, and you do it so well!

  14. 是不是和我平时的一些搭配不太一样? 我自己感觉这套特别淑女的, 呵呵…因为我还真穿不惯丝袜…晕

  15. No, this shirt was a thrifted found, but of course, I bought it just for the collar:)
    About the hair, just curly iron, you know,,,very easy:) Beret is another solution for “Bad Hair Day”.
    Welcome to LA ^^

  16. Wow….Really? Nice to see you here Marisela!!! I bet we could have met in Santa Monica Zara already, I shop there pretty often,,,,lol…maybe next time while I get there, I will ask who is ms. Marisela around? 😀

  17. Yeah, I like this sweater too, I bought them when they were on sale, the last one and it’s L, but I just like it loose^^

  18. 也不是啊, 真发戴帽子也很好看的...DAISY可能要找到适合自己脸型的帽子...

  19. 就是啊, 那天我老公看见我穿成这样, 就说了句,今天很漂亮, 就是又是黑灰 白, 晕....呵呵
    我们这里今天也下雨了, 皮肤特别滋润:)

  20. 我也很喜欢这片风景呢, 感觉特别"秋天"...我们这附近什么不多, 就是树多,现在落叶就更多了...呵呵

  21. 春天的气候也好, 可我就是春天的时候特别爱犯咳嗽,,,几乎每年春天都犯,,,可能是病菌都特别活跃....:)

  22. 我也很喜欢蕾丝的, 只是特别容易被勾乱, 你知道了, 带宝宝们总少不了这里刮刮那里碰碰的...

  23. 虽然和你平时的搭配不太一样,可是我最爱你这样的装扮。。。把你强大的气场一展无余。。。

  24. 是呀,我也特愛蕾絲的。只要是有蕾絲的東西,總是能吸引我的目光。

  25. 我的大衣這陣子可能都沒法穿囉!最近天氣熱得要命,房裡26度呢!我們還吹電扇睡覺呢!估計還要再等些時候呢。。。

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