After The Rain

We got a big rain last Saturday night, so when we came out at Sunday morning, we felt just fine to wear rain boots, me and Red Bear.  I just knew he would have to step wherever there were puddles of water no matter what kind of shoes he was wearing.

I was wearing: zara coat(old) and flower pin, ASOS Dress, H&M shirt, Urban Outfitter rain boots, Karen Walker sunglasses, Prada Bag

Red Bear’s Red sweatshirt c/o American Apparel


30 thoughts on “After The Rain

  1. Like mother like son 😉 You two are so fashionable ! I just fell in love with your bag…love the colour so much!!! And that dress…sigh…I didn’t see it on Asos 🙁 Love it!

  2. 第一张照片太有范了!话说,姐姐你之前说弄新发型,啥时候弄啊?还没想好怎么弄吗?

  3. Lovely print on your dress! The rain seems like a nice break from the sunny weather California’s been having lately 😛

  4. 親愛的真有一套!下雨天都能穿的那麼美麗時尚。。。

  5. 我這幾天很辛勤的拍了許多穿搭照喔!已經有陸續在上傳了,雖然慢了點,哈哈。。。但這1~2天會把它們都放上喔!還有我已經先打上領帶了喔!配的是軍綠連身褲,我自己覺得很俏皮可愛呢!10/31穿的有點民俗和波希米亞味,自己也很喜歡!

  6. 好美的头发,好美的裙子,好美的雨靴,好美的腿。。。

  7. 这身说不出有多美啊,每一件都大爱。外套上的大红花漂亮哦。真不知道用什么赞美的话来跟Hallie你说。你能明白就好。太爱你啦。嘻嘻。

  8. So pretty, Hallie. I just love everything with aztec prints. The combination of pattern with camel is so right. Hooray for rain boots! They add a wonderful quirky element to your outfit! Little C is the same way with puddles and since it rains a lot in the NW, wellies are a daily must. P.S. really like the new blog layout.

  9. Such gorgeous photos! <33 I love the weather after the rain, especially if there's a bit of sunshine. It's so cool and relaxing. I have rain boots but they're mostly just for walking outside my house in cold weather.

    I love your bag! 🙂

  10. you look STUNNING no other words needed, I was like in awe for like 10 second just staring haha your dress is just beautiful!!! and it looks so cool with that shirt underneath!! and the flower is so cute!!! oh and Red Bear is just so stylish!!1 even though it’s not surprising if he has you as a mother lol

  11. You never cease to impress me! Your style is so amazing!! Love everything about this outfit: the dress, the coat, the flower pin, the bag and the rain boots!!! Your hair is stunning and always looks flawless. Love!

  12. Awww I can say that this is one of my absolute favorite looks!!! Jesus, only you could look that awesome with rainboots!!! The dress is stunning! All these colors and patterns, a real piece of art! And the coat? LOVE!! The flower pin makes it so interesting! You look stunning head to toe!!
    Hahah of course Red Bear wanted to step in the poodles! Every little child likes to do this lol! There’s just something rather satisfying in watching the water making your clothes dirty hahahahaha!!!!
    Many kisses, Hal, to you and Red Bear! <3

  13. 怎么每次打开Hallie的网站都会中间弹出活动的LOOKBOOK,挡住了页面,很不方便哦,新的版面是这样的吗?

  14. 不知道SUE那里是什么情况, 为什么别人说一切正常呢? SUE说的是Net-a-porter的广告栏吗? 是在两个边上的? 如果是这样的话, 她们并没有挡住我的正文页面呀? 要不你做个截图看看?

  15. yeah! every little kid likes to do this, water, dirt, sand…until they can do the laundry by them self, I guess,,,lol

  16. 其实是这雨靴的款和型不错, 就是雨靴总有一股怪味…每次穿都闻着怪怪的, 哈哈…

  17. 我觉得穿衣主要还是一种态度吧, 有些时候出去的时候没打算照相, 我就穿着很单调的样子, 老公说光是听我鞋子的声音都知道我是不是要照相, 哈哈…因为一般球鞋走路没有声音的嘛…

  18. 还没想好, 因为我老公总在说, 那么多留言说喜欢你的头发, 你为什么还要改变…而且我现在用卷发棒已经越来越得心应手了…所以…汗…

  19. 是那个啦。每次打开左边的那个就在中间的,刚好挡住了正文的,但有时候又会走回原位,反正不太稳定,可能只有我的电脑这样吧。好晕哦。

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