
Last night, we were telling Red Bear a story on bed.  It’s an every-night ritual, and the stories are always made up so that Red Bear has an adventure and ends up saving somebody or defeating some bad guys.

 Last night, in the story he caught some bank robbers and took them to jail.  At the end, Bob said,”OK, Sir Red Bear, since you saved the day and caught the bank robbers, the bank wants to give you a reward, so here is some money!”  [It was imaginary money, of course.]
Red Bear’s response was immediate and totally unexpected. He said: “No, I don’t need the reward, you can give the money to those poor kids who don’t have toys!”

We never taught him to say things like that, and that’s totally come from his own instinct, I have to say I am so proud of my son!  And we love him so much!

I wore this outfit the day we went to the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles.  Yes, we are in the process of going back to visit China!  I will be so happy to see my family and friends, and they will get to see Red Bear in person.  With the holidays and cold weather coming up, it’s hard to say exactly when we will go, but I will let you all know.

I was wearing :Plastic Island Tweed Jacket (similar here), Lace Shorts(similar  here), H&M Blouse, Zara sequined clutch, Chanel Sunglasses, Carven Heels

16 thoughts on “Instinct

  1. 真的吗?听到很兴奋呢,虽然我们见面的机会依然少。但我们都在祖国的大地上也好,距离又近了。哈哈。等着你的回国好消息呢。

  2. RB是個懂事的好孩子喔!我想都是因為親愛的教育的好。可愛的RB真是天真善良的令人疼愛呀!
    並且要說親愛的真是嫁對了好老公!一家人躺在床上說故事的畫面,多麼溫馨呀!想想親愛的和RB過的是如此幸福美滿呢 🙂

  3. Has it been a while since you’ve bee back to China? I’m happy to hear that you’ll have a chance to see family. Your cute outfit makes me yearn for warmer weather here. My feet are so cold these days.

  4. 亲爱的RB好懂事啊!善良是天生的!父母的耳濡目染很重要!

  5. 温馨的画面,一家人围坐在一起讲故事!RB真是个善良的好孩子.小RB终于可以看看中国了,我想起来他认为他听不懂的话就是中文,太有意思了.

  6. Red Bear is the smartest and the kindest boy ever! But that’s thanks to you, his parents. As for the outfit…I’m speechless…you look amazing…love everything about it!

  7. 太激动于你要回家的消息,忘了说:RB真棒!孩子的心灵世界就是那样的纯净美好!!!

  8. awww RB is so sweet!!!!!!!! he sounds so perfect lol!!!! oh and your shorts are amazing!!!! I saw on the Zara website a pair similar to these and I think I’ll look 4 them next time I’ll be in Zara haha xoxo!

  9. You’re visiting China???????? Oh my God!! You’ve been saying again and again you wanted to go back there and will at last happen!! I’m so happy for you, that you will see your family and that your family will meet Red Bear as well!!!! They’ll all be super excited and charmed by this little angel! He is so cute and he showed maturity when he said he didn’t need the money. He is so sweet <3 It's simply impossible to not love him. And all this thanks to you and mr. Bob. You're amazing parents, really amazing. Red Bear will see it one day.
    Now as for the outfit, you know there's not much to say. In these occassions, you don't talk, you just shut up and admire, so that's what I'll do! 😀
    By the way, Red Bear speaks Chinese?

  10. So many mixes of textures and fabrics, very eye-catching! That’s so fantastic that you’ll get to go to China and again and see your friends/family (: Must be excited! Have a good weekend!

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