Castle Golf

OK, here we are, we went to a Castle Miniature Golf Park this “Black Friday” after Thanksgiving,  instead of going to meet the crowds in the mall, not because I have nothing I want to shop, but because I finished all my shopping budget online in 1 hour after midnight East Coast Time!  YAY!

The Castle Gold Park wasn’t in our schedule until Red Bear said to me:” Mama, you look like a princess today!”  That inspired Bob, which led us to this Castle golf park in Sherman Oaks where we had never been before. And now we have a new schedule for this Sunday, we are going to change from a fashion outfit into a sporting outfit (jeans/sneakers) for a whole family golf competition in this Castle Golf Park again!

I Wearing: Esprit Denim Jacket(old, similar style here), Urban Outfitters Faux fur vest(similar style here), Thrifted dress, Karen Walker Sunglasses, Acne Boots, Louis Vuitton Bag, Vintage Necklace, Forever21 Bracelet, H&M ring, D&G Watch


22 thoughts on “Castle Golf

  1. You do look a bit like a princess in your skirt! I love the colour and especially how the skirt seems like one of those surprisingly comfy ones that also adds elegant/classic touch to outfits.Good luck at the family golf competition (:

  2. 好仙女的一身裝扮!搭配著童話裡的城堡,果真像個公主般,好美~

  3. 童话中的城堡啊,好美,原来还住着公主呢。嘻嘻。当然还有小王子吧。

  4. Golf competition! Sounds REALLY good! Good luck on this! 🙂
    This place is magical! Not in a New York way of magical, but still…fairy-tail-ish magical! Mr. Bob’s inspiration is worth congratulating, because what better place for a grunge princess like you? 😀 LOVE the skirt and all the layering going on. There’s no flaw on this outfit (after all, this happens with every outfit of yours!) By the way, you have such a pretty smile, Hal! 😀

  5. that thrifted dress is gorgeous!!! beautiful colour and love the way it flows <3 and u gave me an idea how to wear my old faux fur vest! haven't touch it for ….. mmm… 2 years! :X

  6. u do look like a princess! 🙂 and am I the only one who saw from the beginning that it’s a dress and not a skirt? oh and my mom has a very similar vest too! haha she was excited to c that u 2 have the same vest lol she loves ur style too 🙂 every time we talk about fashionk she’s like: “so what did Hallie wear 2day?” hahahaha xoxo good luck with the competition I never played miniature golf but I’m pretty sure I’ll suck I’m such a clumsy! lol

  7. 难得在寒冷的冬季看到如此飘逸的你,美呆了!

  8. 嗯,没有再看医生了,慢慢调养身体吧。想要给他补一下,瘦了很多,但又不知道要怎样补。RB有吃过什么补品之类吗?

  9. RB没吃过什么补品呢,全吃素,每天一定喝豆浆和加有铁素的维生素浆...

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