White Christmas

4 years ago during Christmas season, I came to USA, I was single, I was lonely, I was worried, I didn’t know what is going to happen in my life. 4 years later, I am married, have a happy family, a loving husband, a lovely kid,  and the bonus in my life? I started this fashion blog and I’m having so much fun with it!  Most importantly, I’ve got you here with me, sharing my peaceful and ordinary life, and supporting me in so many ways, so to whoever is reading this right now, I truly wish you a Merry Christmas, and wish you have a wonderful time, not only in this holiday season, but throughout your lifetime!

I was wearing: Express Blazer, Zara blouse and trousers, Thrifted bag, Terra Plana Shoes, Karen Walker sunglasses

31 thoughts on “White Christmas

  1. You are so beautiful and classy! And this outfit is just perfect, very festive, feminine, but still a bit formal and very chic!!! Merry Christmas Dear!! I wish you all the best!

  2. 謝謝親愛的祝福!我也很開心能在這裡認識妳和一些姊妹。更謝謝妳分享生活上的小樂趣及點點滴滴。。。

  3. AA!!! Hallie, Merry Christmas! I wish you and your family the best of the best. I hope you’ll always (ALWAYS) be happpy! For me, Hal, you’re an admirable person 🙂 I really really admire that you’ve achieved so many things and you should also be proud of yourself 🙂 And as for the look, you know I love your style and that every outfit of yours is flawless 🙂 Many many kisses to Red Bear!

  4. Really like your sheer top ^^ Have a wonderful Christmas Hallie, things have already gotten better from four years and they’re gonna keep getting better! Stay healthy and have lots of fun!

  5. Hahaha… I love that shirt! I was in Zara some days ago and I liked it but finally I bought one with a foxes pattern fabric!

    Congrats for having all those good things in your life!!! I must be grateful too…



  6. Thank you so much ! You gave me hope! I’m single. I want a kid, 36 y, but no boyfriend.. I was a little bit sad considering nothing would change, but YOU GAVE ME HOPE ! Thank you very much. Wonderful Christmas to you ! Kisses. Nathalie from Paris 🙂

  7. 亲爱的,圣诞快乐!衬衣好性感啊!

  8. 祝姐姐全家圣诞节快乐!无论何时,我们都应该相信生活是美好的,即使遇到挫折,都应该相信会好起来的!是姐姐搭建了这个平台,让大家也很快乐。

  9. merry christmas Hallie!!! and you deserve your amazing life!!!!! (and your amazing outfits lol) I knew the moment I saw it that this beautiful shirt was from Zara! (Zara fans ability to recognize Zara remember? 🙂 ) and this white look is AMAZING! it’s so clean and stylish 😀

  10. Awe what a difference four years can make! You look gorgeous this is a lovely sophisticated outfit! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  11. Hi Hallie!
    Just wanted to pay a visit to your blog. You’ve been so friendly to me, and I am grateful to have an online friend like you. Just wanted to extend my thanks and really your blog post motivate me. I, too, hope that in 4 years I can have such a happy life like that and you know what, life can be full of surprises (and sorrow)…but still happiness in all. Thanks for your comfort and care, my dear girl! Hope you and red bear bear, husband, have a great holiday.

    xx, Crystal

    (Btw Hallie, the link to the 365Hangers link on your right hand side where the “Featured On” is wrong! Here is the correct link to the article I wrote for you early this year. : ) >>>> http://www.365hangers.com/all/44974/

  12. 找到自己的幸福是最快乐的。祝福Hallie一家永远幸福,快乐。RB聪明可爱。

  13. 親愛的, 聖誕快樂. 真替你高興, 能過著這般幸福美滿的生活, 祝你常常都這麼快樂!!
    我這個聖誕在國內過呢, 你什麼時候回國? 如果有機會真的想見個面啦! ^^

  14. Good for you, that’s so inspiring! Love the horse print top, you always look so chic, and your son is the cutest! Happy holidays!

  15. Merry Christmas!With your company our life is more colorful!I´m very happy for you and you life,you´re a elegant lady!


  16. Wish you a very happy Holiday, my dear Joanne! hopefully we can meet up in China or Spain or in U.S.A.!!! 😀

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