Happy New Year

Below are some pictures we took in Knott’s Berry Farm amusement park today, giving you my best wishes for 2012!

…Wish you the voyage of your life will be unbroken smoothness….

..Wish your 2012 will be sweet and sumptuous…

…Wish you will be healthy and safe in 2012…

….Wish your life in 2012 will be full of adventure and excitement.…Wish your life in 2012 will be full of love…

26 thoughts on “Happy New Year

  1. The first photograph is my favourite, it’s so beautiful! Happy New Years and I hope that you have a great start to 2012! 新年快乐!

  2. Hallieee!!! What a moving post! Thanks so much for all the wishes. I wish 2012 will kick ass for you and that you’ll see Red Bear growing and getting prettier and prettier! Health, happiness, love, and everything you wish! <3

  3. 很棒的祝福呢!謝謝親愛的~

  4. 新年快乐哦。祝Hallie一家人幸福快乐,健康和美。当然是我们都越来越漂亮啦。嘻嘻。。

  5. 也祝SUE新年快乐哦! 身体健康, 万事如意, 对了..工作的事情还在考虑改行吗?

  6. 谢谢亲爱的祝福, 也祝你在新的一年里能够办到事事顺利哦,,,,争取早日来这里吧:)

  7. 哈哈,,,亲爱的, 别把我当女神,,,弄得我怕怕,,,哈哈….很高兴在这里和你交朋友呢,,,一起加油美丽!

  8. wow, wow, wow,,,I like all your wishes:) I think I will give you one wish you want the most…make a trip to New York in 2012!!!!:),,,,am I right?

  9. 很感动哦,Hallie还记得我的一些烦恼与计划。一直都在打算。但自己还没什么定位呢。好多不定的因素。希望在新一年里一切顺利,都有好的开始与发展。。

  10. YES! You’re right! That was the best wish I got <3 And there's indeed a chance I'll make it true! 😀 😀

  11. 其实大家每次给我的留言, 我都是有用心去看的, 只是有些时候太忙或没时间才没及时一个个回. 真的要祝愿你在2012年有好的开始与发展!!!

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