What Would You Guess?

Believe or not, I had 2 gift cards, one each from Macy’s and JCPenny, and tried to shop for a new swimsuit last night, but neither of those stores have started selling swimwear yet — apparently winter is not swimsuit season, even though our weather here is almost 90-degrees.  So I ended up in Target and got a couple bikinis there, I like them.  The neon clutch and the leopard hat are from Target also, all under $20 — good deal, right?

New bikinis and new sandals(from Aldo), so what would you guess right now? What’s waiting for me ? 🙂

13 thoughts on “What Would You Guess?

  1. Strangely enough I saw a small rack of bathing suits at my local Macy’s…strange because I’m living in about 20-40 degree weather. Still, this is a nice bikini you were able to pick up from Target! I like the intricate beading in the top an the colour is perfect for summer…swimsuit season will come soon! haha. Have a lovely weekend!

  2. I haven’t been here for a while 🙁 school pressure… anyways glad 2 b back!!!! love everything you bought!!!! and for under 20$ that’s a series deal!!!! I so jealous of u right now!!!! it’s so cold here!!!!!!!! even though i like winter clothes but u know how it is… when it’s winter I wish it was summer and when it’s summer I with it was winter…. or I just wish it would be spring cause the summer here is too hot… anyways, many kisses!!!!!

  3. i love the bikini top! the beading is so pretty!! i feel insecure in such bikini bottom, afraid it might somehow fall off! i’m super paranoid! hahaha! thus i always opt for boy short instead. have a good weekend sunbathing! xoxo

  4. they are all pretty, especially that neon clutch. I always have an eye on beautiful clutch but never actually had one since there’s no occasion for that. Anyway, happy weekend, luv u~~~

  5. IIIII!!!!!!!! This is SO unfair!!!! Why is it so hot over there? 🙁 Here it’s too cold, buhuuu, I hate winter. At least, it doesn’t snow. Anyway, this swimsuit is so so cuuute! Love the color, I bet it looks simply perfect on you! And the hat is very Michael Jackson, it’ll look amazing with this gorgeous mane of yours 🙂 New sandals, new bikini, new hat? WTF? Are you going to Hawai? 😛

  6. Haha you’re funny!Well here they are selling spring clothes and we are in real winter;) The neon clutch is amazing,ehre is that Target when I need him;)

  7. 肯定是要去度假!前几天你已经剧透了,呵呵!

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