St. Lucia Day 1

We are having a very good time in St. Lucia here, I hope you enjoy all the pictures here, I will reply to you all once we come back.

16 thoughts on “St. Lucia Day 1

  1. 哇,好美的度假天堂!在這放鬆心情享受陽光,陪伴著最愛的家人,真是幸福!

  2. These are gorgeous photographs, it looks so peaceful and definitely a perfect kind of vacation! Your new bathing suit looks great and I hope that you and your family are enjoying yourselves; thanks for sharing these photographs, Hallie xx

  3. You’re KILLING me with these pictures! Summer <3 <3 I'm so happy you're having a nice time in the sun, on the beach, in the water! (I NEED SUMMER IN MY LIFE NOW!!!) The new bikini rocks on youuu!!! What a body wow! 😀
    I'm also happy I see Red Bear playing the water <3 Hihi, I wish I was there as well 🙂
    Have an awesome time, Hallie! I want more pictures 😛

  4. 是的, 昨天还和老公说, 度假回来, 好象感觉精神缓和了不少, 对RB也更多了耐心与爱心…

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