Neck Party

As I told you a couple days ago, I have been working on some DIY projects these days, and here is one of the results that I am pretty happy with—a Neon Necklace, layering it with another neon necklace from RocksPaperMetal(last seen here).  Cheer the neck party on!

And, layering necklaces is one of my obsessions these days, what’s yours?


Truth & Pride Rose Print Silk Menswear Jacket, Kirkland Shirt, Zara Short and pumps,

H&M belt, RocksPaperMetal necklace(c/o), DIY neon chain necklace,  Karen Walker No.1 Sunglasses, Bag (no brand, from China, but similar here)

Bracelet: ASOS, and Lovebeads2011(c/o). Sally Brisk Blue nails


18 thoughts on “Neck Party

  1. Did I say that I am obsessed with your blazer? Yes, I am obsessed with it! And I love the pictures, they are like watercolors.
    Just lovely!

  2. 項鍊疊搭的感覺不錯喔!很華麗很繽紛,而且也多了搭配的樂趣。挺好玩的!

  3. Hi!!! The new header is sooo gorgeous! I really really like it, amazing! Also, this outfit looks so summery! The colors are so cute and the blazer is a real dream! Layering necklaces is always perfect, you’re right! I used to stack on bracelets during summer, but last year I think I overdid it and I wore bracelets till the mid of my hand, so when I took them off when winter came, I was all tanned apart from my hand, which was still pale white hahahaha!!! more bracelets for me 😛 Anyway, you look gorgeous! Many many kisses to you and Red Bear! :*

  4. If I am to be invited at a party let’s hope it’s gonna be your neck one! 😉

    Perfect styling Hallie dear!!

    Lots of hugs to Red Bear! 🙂

  5. New blog!Looving it!and the text in “About me” part!;) Rocking those shorts,hot mamma!;) Looove the neck party;)

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