Weekend at San Diego {Part 1}

It was almost the last minuet when we decided to take a short trip to San Diego, which is only 2.5 hours drive way. You know, Bob needed some break from his crazy busy work, and most importantly, we want to celebrate Red Bear’s 4th Birthday(It is tomorrow!!!! )

Seriously, do you ever remember how was your 4th Birthday? Bob and I was talking about that, and we didn’t remember that at all, well, so, in another word, Bob and I wanted to celebrate our 4th messy and merry up year with our little Red Bear.

Yeah! Red Bear and I, we were doing color block! 🙂

“Don’t feed the bird”, it’s the sign in the port everywhere. I would be complaining if I was the bird. hehehe…

The San Diego Air Port is so close to the down town and the port, it’s amazing to see the airplane fly low over those boats.

I was wearing: Zara Denim Shirt and Sandals, Thrifted Striped Tee, J.Crew Skirt and hat, Gap Belt, Louis Vuitton Bag and Chanel Sunglasses

The Marriott Hotel on the Bay.

Big giant Kite

Kiss, kiss, kiss,,,,should I say more?

This Air Craft carrier really drove Red Bear crazy, he has a couple of them at home, the toy one of course.

City Tour bus in San Diego

What a beautiful city! Stay tune for more pictures. 🙂

12 thoughts on “Weekend at San Diego {Part 1}

  1. 見親愛的幾天沒更新,就猜想肯定是度假去了!果然沒錯!
    喜歡妳每次出遊拍的風景照片,好美好迷人。雖然我沒能在那,但總是能透過親愛的照片置身其中。。。謝謝妳 ^^

  2. :O :O :O :O WHAT MAGICAL PLACE IS THIS??? :O :O Look at this! It’s such an amazing place WOW! I wish I was there, so cool! Well, it’s not the boats that amaze me, because we have these huge things every summer at the harbor of my village, but omgosh, look at the hotel and these giants kissing. And the Air Craft carrier! *_* ^_^ WOW!!!
    And now that I expressed my love for this place, I have to say Happy Birthday to the little, adorable, baby Red Bear! I’ll say this tomorrow as well, but there’s high possibility that I’ll forget with the finals and all, so I’m saying it now 😛 Well, it’s kind of impossible to remember your 4th birthday. The only things I remember is because I have seen photos, but nothing else. I hope Red Bear will remember this though, because it’s an amazing place!
    Color-blocking mamma-son ahahha! You look amazing in this look! Love the skirt and the sandals and everything! Oh and the hat looks so cute on you :* :*
    Many many kisses, Hal <3

  3. 很棒的生日庆祝活动!祝RB小帅锅“生日嗨皮!永远嗨皮!”,么么~~~

  4. RB生日快乐哦。越来越帅。。

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