Happy Birthday to My Little Red Bear

Happy Birthday to my little Red Bear, he is 4 years old today! Thank you so much for choosing us to be your parents, and to bringing the most wonderful time to us! We love you, from the bottom of our hearts!

XO, Mommy & Daddy

20 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to My Little Red Bear

  1. RB小帥哥~Happy Birthday ^^
    祝你永遠開開心心、快快樂樂 :)

  2. Happy Birthday to this little, vivacious boy! 🙂 I wish you many more happy memories with him! Have a great party!

  3. <3 <3 <3 <3 Happy Birthday, adorable creature <3 <3 <3 I wish that his life will be amazing and I'm sure that he is lucky to have you as parents <3

  4. Happy happy belated birthday to your sweetest one Hallie!! I’m wishing all the best for your petit prince!


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