Country Side Again

Another after-dinner adventure “getting lost” in the countryside.   Exploring different parks and some small museums are such fun things to do, plus with the wonderful weather coming along, life just becomes more beautiful!

H&M Denim Jacket(from 2 years ago, similar), Zara chambray Shorts(old, similar),

Zara Boy’s Checked Shirt(current, like this men’s version too)

Opening Ceremony Booties(old, how cute for this red one)

Neon blue socks from Walgreens

Louis Vuitton Bag

Bracelet(in left hand from left to right): H&M, Target, ASOS, RocksPaperMetal(c/o)


17 thoughts on “Country Side Again

  1. 親愛的,好喜歡妳蓬鬆自然的髮束,好可愛!還有第3張那漂亮的額頭!
    在最後1張的笑容中訴說著妳是如此的幸福美好 ^^

  2. great set of photos!! love how u mix the bracelets! that socks has definitely made the outfit pops! btw, i have that H&M bracelet in mint 😀 xoxo

  3. Hi! This is such a gorgeous outfit! I love the socks and the shorts! Like every single time, you rock! Kisses :*

  4. Love your lazy stroll in the countryside so romantic and chic with an urban flair through the louis vuitton and the wrist party! 🙂


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