Weekend Basic

Hi, everyone! I wish you are still having a wonderful weekend!

I don’t have many exciting things to share, except Red Bear got a new hair cut with “spikey” style (that’s what Espy the hairstylist calls it), and I changed my hair color…Sure, I will show you soon.

Rocks Paper Metal Necklace(c/o), Kirkland Shirt(similar), Zara Jeans(similar),

Alexander Wang Shoes(love these new style), Louis Vuitton Bag, Karen Walker Sunglasses, Headband from Target


8 thoughts on “Weekend Basic

  1. 白色裝扮清新有朝氣。看上去挺舒服的。
    項鍊很漂亮呢!我也買了類似的,是銀色的 ^^

  2. I love this so much – I have an abundance of slouchy shirts in my closet but now you have cemented what I thought… I need a crisp white shirt in there too! Looking forward to seeing the new hair.x

    ♥ ThankFifi

  3. Love all of your choices, as always:)
    Anxious to see your new hair colour! Have you ever tried Myles? I just cut my hair a whole bunch shorter 10 days ago. It doesn’t show on the recent pictures as I’m wearing it up, but I will post some photos soon:)


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