Leather Jacket and Split Skirt

Leather Jacket and Yellow Skirt_9

Hard to go wrong when pairing a leather jacket with a dress/skirt, I like my oldie but goodie leather jacket with a cropped back design, which can show the cut of the skirt pretty well.

I am off to pack for our trip to the North Woods of Minnesota now, we will fly out tonight. I would love to share some fun things during our trip (I am sure there will have many), so please make sure you have follow me in my Instagram (@halliedaily). See ya!

Leather Jacket and Yellow Skirt 7

Leather Jacket and Yellow Skirt_3

Leather Jacket and Yellow Skirt_8

Leather Jacket: River Island(old)

Skirt: ASOS(sold out, but love this same style in white as well, here)

Bandeau: Zara 

Sandals: ASOS( they are back to stock!)

Sunglasses: Karen Walker

Ring: YSL

Lips: M.A.C Ruby Woo

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12 thoughts on “Leather Jacket and Split Skirt

  1. 夏日裡穿皮夾克好特別!玩穿搭不分季節嘛:)


  2. I love this split skirt on you…what a great combo..i love the way you pair it with those sunnies with a yellow rim on top,brilliant

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