Repost: New York Fashion Week S/S 2014 Day 4 : Black and White


I am sorry that I have to repost this look from when while I was in New York for the NYFW a couple weeks back. Thanks so much to Veronica ( for taking pictures for me on the way while we were going to the Cynthia Rowley S/S 2014 Presentation.

I really love the street scenes and the atmosphere in these pictures, and I already  miss how NYFW brought me so much fun and great experience.

Yesterday, Bob and I went to school and picked up Red Bear a little late because of seriously bad traffic, when I ran in the school office, our little guy was sitting on a chair very lonely, and looking sad, while he had a red face because he was having a fever. My heart was broken in that moment.

Once a while I had press or friends ask me how do I keep the balance between family and my blog, I got to say, it’s very hard, and I am deeply appreciate what my family has done to support me in every way, I love them, from my bottom of my heart. No matter what, they are my priority love.




Blazer and Trousers: Zara

Gingham Top: Nanette Lepore

Loafers: Chanel

Bag: Celine

Sunglasses: Karen Walker No.1 or here

Jewerly: YSL, D&G, J.Crew

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5 thoughts on “Repost: New York Fashion Week S/S 2014 Day 4 : Black and White

  1. 你也是他们的最爱!还是他们的骄傲!做妈咪不容易,做偶像妈咪更难!亲爱的,你能做到!

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