Belted the Coat: In Black and White

Hallie Daily Belted The Coat in Black and White_0A couple days ago, I was chatting with a friend; she told me she really needs to buy something new, since she has “nothing to wear” these days.  I laughed, since she has a HUGE closet that she has shown me in pictures! I think the real problems for that are: 1. She needs/wants/craves to go shopping, and/or 2. She is tired of her old wardrobe. We all know the solution, for problem #1: if you have the budget and really want to be happy shopping, go for it!

And the solution for the problem #2? Your old wardrobe are all your treasures, how much they are worth depends on how much you use them.  So try to re-organize them and re-mix-match them into new and trendy combinations to wear.

My first time I tried to belt a coat like today’s look, I liked the skirt I wore inside, showing off the peplum hem which made it look like it came with the coat, and brought out a new and interesting look.

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Hallie Daily Belted The Coat in Black and White_3

Hallie Daily Belted The Coat in Black and White_8Striped Coat: ASOS(oldie but goodie)

Peplum Hem Skirt:  Aryn.K (c/o)

Metallic Pumps: Jimmy Choo

Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim Bag

Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper(here, here and here)

Turtleneck Top: Random Found

Belt: From one of my old dress (seen here)

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9 thoughts on “Belted the Coat: In Black and White

  1. If I have nothing to wear, it’s mostly because the clothes I have don’t represent the person I want to be that day. I have loads of clothes and I absolutely love them, but sometimes they just don’t seem to suit me.

    Anyhow, I just wanted to say that I adore all your looks. You’re a big inspiration to me, because there aren’t many bloggers that wear midi skirts the way you do and your way of styling just speaks to me.


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