Fashion Week: My Confession

New York Fashion Week, 2015, HallieDaily

It’s the time again! It’s officially #NYFW.

There are always a lot of emotions while I am in NYC for the NYFW.  Today I am sharing some of the thinking with you, and I know I am not alone.

1. Travel alone is tough.  I used to travel around the world, alone sometimes, so that’s not a problem for me.  But after being married and having my son, I have become used to life that being surrounded by love every day, I enjoy being taking care of my family, and I enjoy sharing my happiness and sadness with them whenever things happen, whether good or bad.  We’re a team, and I miss them when I am away.  Plus NYFW has a lot of after-show parties, and going everywhere alone is not fun at all.

I tried asking around for friends to come with me this year, but it seemed nobody can make it for the same time I am going.  Oh well, I get used to that, and I need/want to be at NYFW, no matter what.  So I’ll be the Lone Road Warrior!  (My hubby and I talked about the possibility of Red Bear and he coming with me, but Red Bear would have to miss school, they would not be going with me to the shows, so a family visit to New York will have to wait for a better time.)

2.Traffic jams.  Traffic jams are everywhere in NYC during the NYFW!  Forget taxi or Uber, you can’t get a ride during some busy times, or you might get one after 10-30 minutes waiting. Subway is a good way to go around, but I never enjoy taking underground and never feel safe there.   I live with too many earthquake stories in California!  So I go around by my foot, making sure to wipe all the perspiration off and fix my make-up and changing from flats to heels, so I can look cool and chic as I go from show to show.

So this year, I am planning to take it a little easy; I only chose a few shows/events to go each day this year, and I checked Google maps when I was selecting them, to make sure every activities is not too far or I will pass on them.  A girl mustn’t exhaust herself!

3. Can’t be picky about food.  I normally buy a lot of water and food and keep it inside my room on the first day I arrive in New York, to make sure I have something to eat after all day meetings and shows.  At last year’s NYFW, I found one street cart outside my hotel selling teriyaki chicken with vegetable rice in a bowl for about $6, and that was the best food ever I ate during NYFW!

This year, I am planning to live like a normal person.  I am going to dine out with some good friends in some nice restaurants, enjoy the food, not just filling up my empty stomach with snacks or tasteless food.

4. The show tickets.  When bloggers meet and talk to each other during NYFW, mostly they would ask: “What shows have you been to, or what shows are you going to today?” You know, I got it, some might tell you they get the big name shows and you will feel bad about it.  But after all, nobody will judge you by what shows you have been to (I hope!).  I have been to many good shows, I have sat in the front row, but this year I didn’t get many big name shows because the days I could attend did not solidify until late, and I am OK with that.  I never write to anybody to ask for tickets or invitations, I just let invitations come to me, so thank you for all the brands who sent me the invitations for their shows and parties — I really really appreciate that!  I wish I could attend all of them!

5. Tiredness and stress.  Believe it or not, NYFW is really a stressful time for me — rush everywhere, for everything, all the time, while having to keep your good image and taking care of all the blog/social posts.  My mind and phone were always busy, and it can be overwhelming.  This year, I am going to slow down; I’m so happy to find a hot yoga studio 3 minutes walking distance from my hotel.  I am going to be very happy to check them out and turn off my phone and just focus on myself and my body for a while each day.

6. Friends.  I emailed a lot of people/PRs who live in NYC, and we always say, “Let’s grab some drinks when I am there.”  But I never really made time for that before, and this time, I am going to make it happen.  Forget about waiting in the line for every show, and too often ending up standing in a crowd and standing on high-heeled tip-toes to watch the shows!  I think it’s better to get in touch with all the PRs and friends in New York, and to build up some good relationships.

Every year, after I return home from each season’s NYFW, I tell my husband I am not going next year (and sometimes he reminds me what I said), because it’s too much stress and so much chaos . . . but in the end, I love fashion, and I just can’t help but to keep coming every season.  In general, Fashion Week is the most exciting event for fashionistas, and I consider I am one of them, and I don’t want to be miss out.

Happy Fashion Week everyone!

If you want to follow what I am doing this New York Fashion Week, check out what I am up to on @halliedaily.

5 thoughts on “Fashion Week: My Confession

  1. 同为一位母亲,想要平衡好事业和家庭很不容易,非常有同感!

  2. At least you have me this year. It turned out to be the best time we had. And I love Sichuan, can we go eat together next time please?

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