Colorful Mood: Pom Pom Shoes & Red Coat

Tie Bow Dress, Red Coat, Pom Pom Shoes, Colorful Outfit, via: HallieDaily

Bob has some comments about my recent styling and posts, such as, “Oh, another black and white outfit,” or, “You have been wearing a lot of black, white, and gray colors lately, with sometimes a little pink between, so boring! I miss those times when you wear a lot of colors!”

Well, I have no comment to reply, and I don’t think my style has changed, has it? But mood and taste can change from time to time, and then my color palette will change!

What I wore: Tie Neck Dress / J.Crew Red Coat(old, similar here) / Minna Parikka Shoes(Similar here and here)


Tie Bow Dress, Red Coat, Pom Pom Shoes, Colorful Outfit, via: HallieDaily

Tie Bow Dress, Red Coat, Pom Pom Shoes, Colorful Outfit, via: HallieDaily

Tie Bow Dress, Red Coat, Pom Pom Shoes, Colorful Outfit, via: HallieDaily

Yesterday I caught a cold and stayed in bed almost all day long, and today I’m feeling so much after about 11 hours sleep last night! Still a LOT of wind in L.A. these days (we call them the “Santa Ana winds”), sun is still bright, so I am bringing out some bright colors to cheer up the rest of the week.


Tie Bow Dress, Red Coat, Pom Pom Shoes, Colorful Outfit, via: HallieDaily

Tie Bow Dress, Red Coat, Pom Pom Shoes, Colorful Outfit, via: HallieDaily

Red Bear’s school is going to have a few days break next week for Thanksgiving, and we are going to Napa Valley for a little vacation. I’m so excited about that, and so is Red Bear — turns out he LOVES to take road trips.

At the same time, we pray for everybody’s health and safety.


Tie Bow Dress, Red Coat, Pom Pom Shoes, Colorful Outfit, via: HallieDaily

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6 thoughts on “Colorful Mood: Pom Pom Shoes & Red Coat

  1. 你先生应该是不喜欢沉闷的颜色吧,

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