Grey Coat & OTK Boots

Grey Coat, Pattern Dress, Mini Pink Chanel, OTK Boots, via: HallieDaily

Last night my sister, who still lives in China, told me that the city where she lives is having some bad weather these days, and it’s going to be worse in the next couple days.  I told her that in L.A., we are having similar weather — foggy, cloudy and raining today (although we really do need rain, and snow in our mountains!).

I guess this is typical transition weather, and it calls for a transition outfit.  A dress paired with a light coat is a good solution.  I personally don’t like to wear tights, so a pair of OTK boots really help to keep my legs warm.

What I wore:  Zara Grey Coat & Pattern Dress / Stuart Weitzman “Highland” Boots(topo) / Mini Chanel /Ring(old, Similar Here)

Grey Coat, Pattern Dress, Mini Pink Chanel, OTK Boots, via: HallieDaily

Grey Coat, Pattern Dress, Mini Pink Chanel, OTK Boots, via: HallieDaily

Grey Coat, Pattern Dress, Mini Pink Chanel, OTK Boots, via: HallieDaily

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26 thoughts on “Grey Coat & OTK Boots

  1. 哈摟,看見你有好多雙Stuart Weitzman的靴子,這雙Highland你買的顏色真的現在shopbop都沒有尺寸了,翻了很多你以前的穿搭文章,看見你也有買5050,也有買黑色高跟過膝靴,還有這雙灰色Highland,請問如果我的預算只有一雙,你建議我這個牌子先入手哪一雙啊??

  2. 我決定兩年內5050跟highland都要入手,建議第一雙是黑色5050還是taupe highland??

  3. 1.看你平时是穿牛仔裤多还是穿裙子多?2. 平时走路多还是坐车多?3. 你的穿衣是以中性为主还是偏女性化?4. 你的衣橱深色衣物多还是浅色衣物多?5.你所在的城市冷吗?晴天多还是雨天多?

  4. 哈,你的問題好專業

  5. 可是走起路来毕竟不如5050来得稳重,实际。带跟抱小娃娃毕竟不方便。

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