Rain Rain Rain

I have to go buy some new cloths for Red Bear today, I thought it wouldn’t be too busy in the mall since it’s really a raining day, well…I was wrong, there was hard to find parking space, and of course the mall full of shoppers….

Tonight we are planing to go see a Church’s music for Christmas, Bob said they always have wonderful music for Christmas, we will see.

So I hope everybody have a happy weekend too, no matter rain or snow…:))

 Asos Sweater/shorts/bag

Urban Outfitters Rain Boot

12 thoughts on “Rain Rain Rain

  1. 下雨是不是要转冷了? 前几天我们这里很冷哦搞得我马上中招感冒了, 唉, 还是夏天好啊

  2. 哇!这把伞在RB手里变得好大啊!可惜我们这边好久以来雨、雪都没有,已经干旱了。

  3. 哈哈,本来RB的那把雨伞就是加大号的,他拿就显得更大了.

  4. 那就祝Jackie早日康复哦,以前我得感冒的时候我经常有点小开心,因为不是总说嘛,人要时不时得点感冒发烧什么的,这样身体才有抵抗力.所以我当偶尔感冒一下是正常的,而且是身体的一种新陈代谢情况...


  5. 如果正常的靴子你穿不下, 这款雨靴应该你也穿不下, 因为你看相片就知道靴管其实和一般靴子的靴管一样是比较紧的.

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