The Powerful Storm Is Here! | 强台风光临

A powerful storm dumped more rain on already waterlogged Southern California today, washing hillsides onto highways, endangering houses in canyons and forcing rescuers to pluck dozens of motorists from flooded streets. My dear family and friends, no matter wherever you are, please taking care of yourself and be good. I do care you all!

For the rain day like that, I can have a chance to use my wireless camera controller again, that’s really a smart stuff for taking picture by myself ^^


Vintage Sweater

Asos Fur Collar/belt

H&M Animal Print Skirt

Zamagni Brown Booties

10 thoughts on “The Powerful Storm Is Here! | 强台风光临

  1. 是因为台风天才那么黑吗? 还是已经是晚上了? HALLIE 也要照顾好自己, 特别是小RB哦

  2. 台风应该已经过去了吧?hallie一定要照顾好自己和家人啊,尤其是小RB,这个小男子汉大概还想保护妈妈。每当大风吹袭的深夜,听着呼啸的风声都好害怕啊!

  3. 他现在可甜了, 经常动不动就问我, Mom, are you ok? are you happy? are you mad? 然后就kiss. ^^

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