Christmas Tree and Pink Dress

I woke up a bit earlier to put all the gifts around the Christmas Tree before Red Bear woke up, and I was in the mood to dress up and take a picture with the tree, somehow the tree looks so small in the picture, or I am too big? ^^

P.S.  did you see my light green bike in the corner around the tree? that was my Christmas gift from my hun. 🙂

River island Leather jacket

Free People Dress

Jeffrey Campbell Lita Booties

CCSkye Clutch

10 thoughts on “Christmas Tree and Pink Dress

  1. 哈。我还看到RB的礼物呢,一部小自行车,看来又是母子装咯,一大一小骑自行车。应该很好玩,哦,RB会骑吗?好多礼物哦。折礼物都是很开心的。Hallie那裙子是玫红的吧.很艳色哦.造型特别..

  2. RB的礼物可多啦, 什么遥控汽车, 大积木, 小火车, 还有什么玩具保龄球, 等等等等等等, 现在到处都是, 我捡都来不及, …..

  3. 圣诞树很漂亮呢 礼物很多 RB一定乐坏了吧 (*^__^*) 我喜欢Hallie的粉红长裙!!!!!配上机车夹克和厚底鞋 明星感一下就出来了呢~~

  4. Hallie经常有机会穿这样的恨天高真不错。我这一年在意大利穿高跟鞋不超过10次。现在自己要开车,就更没机会穿了。头饰配得很特别,好看!

  5. 最近我是迷上了高跟和头饰, 呵呵, 今天还到处去找可以头上和帽子上戴的花, 嘻嘻.

  6. 只是那天状态不太好, 我正想着穿这裙子再到别的地方补拍些, 漂亮点的呢.

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