Red Bear’s Doctor Day

(INCinternational faux fur vest/Zara faux leather shorts/Vintage sweater/Forever21 Shoes/Chanel Bag/H&M hat)

We went to see Red Bear’s doctor today, for a regular check, I was worry that Red Bear might have develop slower than most of other kids, because he is a vegan, but the doctor said Red Bear develop better than they expect!  Anther good news for the beginning of the year! 🙂

Normally I have a whole year to-do lists or goals, but I haven’t got one for this year yet, hmmmm……maybe one more child(A girl please. :).

I really enjoy the marriage life, with husband and kid around, I was traveling around the world for work, not many fun during traveling, and now, just wish can travel more, with family together!

Thank you so much for all of your nice comments about my health,  love you all!

14 thoughts on “Red Bear’s Doctor Day

  1. 幸福就好,知足更重要,珍惜每一天的快乐哦。对Hallie还是不太了解吧,那之前是做什么工作的?要是能去旅游的工作也不错哦。不过,有家庭后肯定放不下心的。

  2. 和HALLIE太多同感了, 我也是因为工作的原因老是要全世界跑, 结婚前倒是很享受, 也可能是那时侯年轻精力好吧, 呵呵…现在结婚有儿子啦, 出差都成了苦差了, 这个月又要离开2个星期, 严重想念儿子啊, 总是盼着快点回家再兴致勃勃地安排一起全家游…
    P.S. : HALLIE的腿好直啊, 口水ING…

  3. Red Bear好可爱啊!非常非常期待Hony Bear!希望hallie收获更多的幸福和快乐!

  4. RB的头发长啦!Hallie是不是又要亲自动手啦?哈哈,就像我替花朵剪头发一样,什么时候你也帮花朵剪一次?也许你的水平比我好哦

  5. 嗯嗯,,,,可以想像, 我现在一想着哪天如果要跟RB分开几天或几星期, 我该怎么办才好哦….唉….想着小孩子快快长大, 又怕他们长大, 大了就不要咱们了…

  6. 嗯嗯, 以前的工作跟旅游沾边, 其实我一直以来的工作都还挺好, 可能是我比较勤奋肯干吧:)
    现在的家庭生活完全不同了, 孩子老公锅碗盆的, 就这些了.

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