Palm Spring-1

Some pictures we took in Palm Spring, We spent 2 days there for celebrating the New Year, the weather was so good. Palm Spring is really busy in the winter, I know some friends has house there, but only live there in the winter, trust me, you don’t want to live there in the summer time, as I know, some hotels has to close in the summer.

6 thoughts on “Palm Spring-1

  1. 好看啊, 象追电视剧一样, 还有没有啊? 嘻嘻…真羡慕你们那里有那么适合小孩玩的地方…

  2. 呵呵, 昨晚出去了, 所以都没得再补充, 今晚如果呆家里就继续补充啊:)

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