More High Heels | 更多的高跟鞋

I have some readers asked me if I wear those high heels all the time, no , I have to admit, that I wear those high heels for photo shoot all the time, and in the real life, I have to change for some flats , since I do need to keep up with my 2.5 years old boy, and running and chasing him most of the time.

But I do crazy about high heels, I like to watch them and I like to see them on me…. ^_^

Forever 21 Dress

River Island Leather Jacket

Jessica Simpson Heels

CCSky Bag

Material Girl Necklace

Chanel Nail Polish (strong)

12 thoughts on “More High Heels | 更多的高跟鞋

  1. 嘻嘻, ADA周末起这么早, 我还想着大家周末可能都在睡懒觉, 没空看我博客咧. ^^

    谢谢ADA, 祝你周末愉快!

  2. 嗯嗯, 有时候洗完头后有心情就用直发器弄弄, 没心情的时候就打辫子, 不过都是自己弄的啦.

  3. 这双黑色的也好看!确实,我也很爱高跟鞋,虽然平底鞋舒服,但是穿起高跟鞋自己都感觉很妩媚很性感,我个子高的朋友居然都希望自己能矮三、五厘米,这样既能穿性感的高跟鞋,又不显太突兀。

  4. 嗯嗯,有的时候我一天不出门,在家里忙这个忙那个,晚上看镜子,真的象黄脸婆,然后衣服又很随便的家居服,有时候我都觉得对不起自己,更对不起我老公,所以有时候我得跟他说,不好意思哦,让你看到我这个样子.哈哈..
    不过我觉得不管男人女人,时刻保持衣装整洁,总是件好事吧,记得以前看过本书, 说是一般衣装讲究整洁的人,成功率都比较高.做事也较顺利.

  5. TINA比较喜欢酷酷的打扮?很久没看TINA的搭配贴了,有空我找找看看去.

  6. 嘻嘻, 拍多了呗,,,,
    我是一直偏爱红色, 但是也喜欢其他颜色了啦….比如黑色,哈哈

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