Hand Made By Mother

The sweater cape I am wearing today is one of the thrift shopped from last night, everytime I got a piece from the thrift shop, I start thinking what was the person who owned this piece before, what did she do, etc… This sweater cape has a logo in the back: Hand Made By Mother, isn’t it sweet? And I know that must have a love story behind the sweater.

Red Bear is very good boy today, we went to have breakfast outside, he was looking at the snack window in the last picture, I know that he really want to get one Mickey Candy, but he didn’t push hard, and at the end he just saying bye to them and leave…We are so happy about that! Our boy is growing!

Thrifted vintage Sweater cape

Zara Lace Tee

H&M Scarf/Maxi Skirt

Prada Bag

Asos Belt

15 thoughts on “Hand Made By Mother

  1. 我也有件类似的衣服,就是毛也是粉色的,从来都不知道怎么搭配,HALLIE真的很会想,我从来就没想过搭个皮带的效果..


  2. 直发需要用直发棒,有点伤头发,所以我不太用就是了, 呵呵.

  3. 其实这种短袖毛衣款式真的在以前很常见,但是现在就很少了,以前款的衣服现在拿出来穿穿也蛮好玩的:)

  4. RB好可爱啊!两岁半就这么懂事,hallie说说有专门教他吗?

  5. 哈哈, 搞怪的RB, 小顽皮!戴上了眼镜还故作严肃呢!嘻嘻
    好久 没和你聊天了, 有空时再找你好好聊聊哈, 呵呵

  6. 就是啊,很久没聊过了,知道你都在忙,再加上时差,没关系啦,等你回加拿大后再聊个够.

  7. 其实RB的教育真的是可能是没人宠他吧,有时候他闹脾气,我就不理他,把他锁房间两分钟,任他哭,两分钟后打开门,让他说SORRY,他就哽咽的说SORRY,然后我也说SORRY,两个人就抱一起,再协商什么事该做,什么事不该做.或者他想做什么可以,但是得先完成我交待的事情,比如收拾玩具.:)

  8. Hallie好有范儿!RedBear好可爱,我家的LG说这个BABY好可爱!我说我们将来的儿子也会这样可爱哦!混血帅哥!呵呵呵

  9. 哦? 那到时候你一定要给我看看你小帅哥的样子哦!!! 呵呵, 最好还有你的样子啊…. ^^

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