Palm Tree Leaves

This weekend is a long weekend in US. Most of time we are working in our yard. We have about 10 palm trees around the swimming pool, and every time after a big wind like Santa Ana, the swimming pool area is become disaster, A LOT of works to deal with those fallen leaves and seeds! I agree, those palm trees looks very nice in the summer, but in the winter like now, we just wish could gift them to somebody by free. hahah….Should I say we are still in the winter? I am really confused…

Zara Blazer

H&M Blouse

Silence + Noise  Jeans

Aldo Clutch

Miu Miu Heels

Chanel Lipstick (Rouge Allure 58 Audace)

16 thoughts on “Palm Tree Leaves

  1. 美的不成样子了!

  2. 真的好美啊!穿着棉靴看你穿这么美的鱼嘴鞋,羡慕死了!你不要困惑了,好想和你换啊!

  3. 呵呵, 财眯MM是住在哪的呀, 你们那的天气是不是也看着这一身会觉得太冷? 呵呵

  4. 我倒是挺想看看下雪的, 晕,,,哈哈….
    不过别说, 很久没干这种重体力活了, 动动就觉得这痛那痛的了, 我跟老公说了, 这种活可不是天天能干的, 以前我们的工人是20来岁的结实小伙子, 我们这年纪可是比不上喽….

  5. 就是啊, 前些天我去查看, 都没啥动静, 我这再去看看去, 或者下周你上了再告诉我啊…

  6. Hallie,新年快乐!新年新气象!你真是越发迷人了~!大爱这身简练的装扮!Say “Hi“ to red bear!

  7. 等我上了第一时间告诉你,你再去吧,别又白跑一趟!真是汗颜呀。。。我太懒了。

  8. 嘻嘻,,,,都是当妈的人, 我知道其实我们的事情都很多的, 加上你还要上班,,,,至于更新的事情, 等有好心情再更新喽, 对于自己喜欢干的事, 千万别给压力以造成负担… ^^

  9. 谢谢COCO, 以前就经常听朋友说喜欢看我穿西装, 只是现在不用上班了, 西装一般少穿, 就是穿也穿得比较休闲了. ^^

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