Denim X Denim X Fur

Denim wear on denim, this sure not a fresh topic anymore, we have seen denim tops paired with denim bottoms on a deluge of spring runways last year– from Ralph Lauren and Banana Republic, to D&G and Chloé. Even in Gap’s campaign, it’s all chambray shirts with jeans, denim vests with jeans, denim biker jackets with jeans. Denim was having it’s day. Some said denim on denim is too contrived, but I like it 😀

One trend that was seen all over the Fall shows at every Fashion Week last year was fur.. Kate Moss, paired the fur jacket with a skinny Jeans in rain, fur is definitely a chic look .

Thanks to lots of designers and stores are offering cute faux fur styles.

What do you think of the denim on denim and fur?

P.S. 1. Red Bear choose his outfits today. he want to be pilot boy and baseball boy at the same time 😀

2. Red Bear was crying: no pictures!!!


William Rast for Target Denim Shirt

Levi’s 501 Boyfriend Jean

Alexandra Neel Boots

Prada Bag

Chanel Sunglasses

22 thoughts on “Denim X Denim X Fur

  1. RB哭得好可怜哦。心里酸酸的。好久没说话啦,上班电脑就中毒,一直上不了Hallie的网站.今天还好.又能天天来看看.嘻..

  2. 高圆圆也有过Hallie这样的搭配,全牛仔搭配黑色皮草背心,也是拎了个大红包,还有黑色销魂发卡。所以说Hallie越来越明星范儿了,甚至更胜一筹。
    我开始考虑要不要把我那件驼色的毛毛也改成背心,应该比现在的外套更好搭配,更时尚吧?Who knows?god?!

  3. 喜欢牛仔,欢迎牛仔回潮!当“牛仔”遇上“皮草”,成就了舒适+摩登!

  4. RB不让妈妈拍照, 我一边拍, 他就一边哭闹不让拍, 要不是因为他还有病, 我肯定要小小教训他, 结果他哭呀哭呀, 又是鼻涕又是咳嗽的, 我们只拍了几张就草草收场了….
    这些小朋友呀, 一秒钟前让你恨得要死, 一秒钟后就又让你爱得深彻,,,,

  5. 哦? 我刚刚也去找了高圆圆的相片来看, 还真象哦, 哈哈….我今天因为是出门出得急, 五分钟就要穿好衣服出门, 所以基本脸上只涂了口红, 脸妆没化就戴上墨镜出门了, 没想到是跟明星LOOK撞车了, 呵呵…
    你那件驼色的毛毛别改背心呀, 好可惜的,,,驼色毛毛也好配的, 明天我试着拿我件仿皮草外套配配看啊….呵呵….

  6. 为什么RB不愿意照相呢?看他哭成那个样子,好像受了天大的委屈一样,唉……

  7. 真的吗?高兴哦。这几天没来,原来RB生病了,代我问候RB一声哦。小朋友生病很烦的,他不舒服大人们又辛苦,不过有Hallie照顾RB应该很快就好的.我家YY这几天又撞头又撞脸的,搞到额头脸上都一块块瘀青的.真心痛.希望他吸取教训,自己知道危险小心点啦.新一年开始,不知Hallie有什么计划呢?哦,知道,要增加成员啦.嘻.会计划回国?

  8. 呵呵,一个小笑话, 今天帮RB洗完澡, 他老豆端详着RB的干净的脸庞说: RB这段时间脸上居然没有划伤或颜色肿块,, 难得啵,,,呵呵…
    我今年的计划你都猜到了, 嘻嘻…这两个是我的最大心愿…

  9. 哈哈哈哈,有点像我跟俺家的宝贝。她小的时候喜欢照相但俺不喜欢,等俺喜欢了她又不喜欢了,搞的都没有多少合影。。。

  10. 可不是嘛,呵呵,等到他(她)们长大懂事了,知道摆姿势照相了,又不愿望跟老妈合影了,晕哦...

  11. 最喜欢的一套服装,比模特穿的好看,即高挑又显瘦,我也要置办一套,呵呵

  12. 牛仔衣和牛仔裤是肯定要置办的,这些都是很好搭配的单品呢.特别是牛仔衣,我现在发现他真的是百配^^

  13. I love this denim on denim look esp how you paired with a vest. Your boy is so beautiful, gonna be a heartbreaker when he grows up! 😉

  14. Thank you Amanda, there are many other people has that saying too: he will become a heartbreaker :D, you know, I am not sure about that, now he is girl crazy-er….hahah…

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