Down In The Rain

We have big rain whole day long after the pictures taking, and it still going on right now, I can hear the rain very clear outside the window.

It’s 11:12 pm now, and Red Bear still playing around…sighs…. Some friend said the rain let people down, I feel so, today…

Don’t have any plan for the weekend yet, but our movie <Knife and Day>came today, anybody saw that movie? Is that a good movie for the weekend? ^^


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12 thoughts on “Down In The Rain

  1. Knight & Day 没看过呢,就是听人家说有句经典台词:在餐厅里,阿汤捉住卡梅隆做人质时警告周围人:”你们别跟着来,否则我先自杀再杀她”~~~~~~汗

  2. 哈哈,我看了,也特别注意这句话了,当时确实挺搞笑的,说实话,这部电影编得有点无离头,但是趣味性强,看完笑笑,周末也过得快乐了^^

  3. 谢谢亲爱的,我看了哦,确实是浪漫动作喜剧,周末看真的挺合适^^

  4. 笑了是最大收获呢~~~周末我看了一个李察基尔的电影,《HACHI》,改编自日本电影,讲一个忠诚的日本AKITA的故事~~~~看的我淅沥哗啦的~~~~~

  5. 啊?太煸情的电影我很怕看,还有太可怜太可怕的我也不看,因为我是个"梦"多的人,基本白天看了什么特别刺激的电影或电视,晚上做梦肯定梦到.

  6. 嘻嘻, 这包买了挺久呢, 都感觉已经落伍了, 我现在更喜欢手挎肩背包呢^^

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