A Good Trench Coat

A good trench Coat is like a nice garden place, it make you feel comfortable, make you relax, make you feel fresh , and never let you down, agree? 😀

Anthropologie Trench Coat

Zara Pants

Thrifted Blouse

H&M Booties

Gucci Bag

Chanel Sunglasses

Gap Belt

20 thoughts on “A Good Trench Coat

  1. Aw woooowwww!!! You’re such a beautiful woman! 🙂 This outfit is one of my favorites from you! Well, every outfit from you is my favorite, but anyway! hahah! 🙂 Great trench coat and the pantsare so amazing! Awesome blouse, awesome shoes, awesome accessories, awesome bag, awesome EVERY SINGLE THING!!! 🙂 So SO so chic! 🙂 And your baby..aahhhh!! I love him so much! I know I have already told you, but I can’t help it! He is such a cutie! 🙂 Kiss the stylish little candy for me, please! 🙂

  2. 楼上这位MM把所有的单品都赞美了一遍,弄得我们后面的都没话说啦~~~^_^ 发饰好别致~~~山茶花衬衣和香香眼镜相得益彰啊~~~~

  3. 呵呵,楼上MM说的英文,财迷说的中文,不同味道的啦:)今天是总统日,你们得休息不?^^

  4. Thank you my dear Demy, I have been kiss the little candy for you many times today, heheh….I have to tell you, he likes to flirt, if you ever give him a chance, hahah…

  5. 早上的阳光不错,可是温度还是挺低的,现在一家三口个个咳嗽,也不知道谁传染谁了.呵呵.至于搭配嘛,我是在大家的鼓励中成长学习:)谢谢!

  6. 我是家庭妇女~~天天都是总统日~~~~嘻嘻~~~我LG今天放假啦,他给我做饭吃~~美~~~

  7. 很美的一组照片!

  8. 哦,那咱俩一样,天天总统日+马丁路德日+三八妇女节+XXX节,哈哈...

  9. 多好啊,掌握厨房就是掌握家庭的制高点~~~~~~我LG做饭难吃还喜欢主动请缨,其实就想在厨房里也管着我~~~~我就更没地位了,嘻嘻

  10. 啊?掌握厨房就是掌握家里的制高点?这句话你哪听来的?哈哈,真好笑!!!不过看你说话那语气哪象是没地位的呀,简直就是甜蜜得要死,美滋滋的.呵呵

  11. 嘻嘻, 好讨厌你们的, 起这么些怪怪的名字, 想称呼你点啥都觉得怪怪的, 哈哈!!!!

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