The Kors Commandment

If you ever read the STYLE February issue? There is a interview with Michael Kors, and at the end of the article, Kors gave out 7 tricks to chic style. The No.7 is ” When women look at other women who are stylish, what they always notic is the play of opposites: It’s the trenchcoat over the sequined shift. What’s so appealing is dressing like you didn’t stress over it.”

So sometimes, I want to wear something that I never wear before, like a blue jeggings 😀


Urban Outfitters Faux Fur Vest

Forever21 Cardigan/ T shirt

Abercrombie & Fitch Jeggings

Dolce Vita boots

Reflection Bag

Grace Hats Kobato Turban

23 thoughts on “The Kors Commandment

  1. Hallie你穿的这条裤子的颜色和面料跟我有一条好象哦,你记得我问你怎样搭配的吗?那次你是穿着一条红色的。还是你搭配出来的效果好。回家试试,可惜我没你好身材,那就先学一下。黑色的外套我们这边都有看到,我妹应该有件红色的。心形图案的吧。还有图片的树好美,开着花,那是什么树哦?春天的季节到了。

  2. 如果你怕颜色配得不好, 最好先配黑色, 如果你有空的话, 就也挑些别的颜色来配配,自己看着舒服, 穿出去自在, 就好:)
    那些树是桃树, 开的是桃花, 很漂亮, 只是不结果, 这公园估计挑了些不结果的树来种, 省得有了果麻烦. 呵呵

  3. But I always complain for LA being a big farm, all flat and trees,, with my boy around, hard to take pictures on the road or building.I like your picture’s vibe, but I remember your last one has a man behind you, isn’t it?hahah…

  4. Thank you Sam! I have to working on my blog link too! but I am so new in this, and everytime I need to add something or change something it cost me a lot of time!!! lol…I am just not smart enough and my boy is so demanding! 😀
    I will do!! I hope so:)

  5. 公园真的好美啊!让人看了心旷神怡!
    7条漂亮的时尚技巧都是什么啊?说的太好了!每天看你百变的搭配,潮范儿的穿衣方式,自己的审美也进步不少,最突出的表现是出门购物一见倾心的单品越来越少,脑子里搭配方案越来越多,品位在不经意间提高了吗?(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

  6. Hallie越來越漂亮了!而且看來馬上就要以冠軍姿態勝出了哈!
    (不知道爲什麽我總覺得Red Bear是你最好的accessory,有他的照片都格外可愛 :P)

  7. 我也发现啦, RB照相, 怎么照都是又自然又可爱又大方, 我就成天在那里扭姿势, 最后再从几十张相片里选出几张, 哈哈..
    不敢想当冠军, 只想拥有更多的粉丝, 嘻嘻, 其他人都想吧, 大家的实力都很强!

  8. 咦? 怎么我也有这种体会, 就是出去逛街的时候看到喜欢的东西的时候, 就在想可以怎么配, 是不是好配, 是不是穿的机会多, 是不是适合自己, 考虑的因素更多了, 盲目购买的机率也少了. 我当是跟大家交流了这么些时间学习到的东西吧^^ 也谢谢看看, 每天勤奋的来给我留言, 生活有了你们更精彩!!! ^^

  9. <3 <3 <3 Head over hills for this outfit!! You're so freaking beautiful! You can rock every single piece! These blue leggings were made for you, I'm sure about that! Oh yes! Amazing fur vest and cardigan too, and of course your bag is great! I'd like to raid your closet someday! haha!

    Your beautiful boy is so cute with his rucksack! I loooove him! I really do! 🙂

    Kisses! 🙂

  10. and Red Bear say he love lovely girls like you ;d, seriously, last night, i asked him if he want a girl at home(I mean his future sister), he say YES and laugh!

  11. 随着春夏的临近,各种新鲜的色彩在大街小巷和杂志封面即将冲击大家的眼球,做好准备了吗?^^

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