Welcome to Chictopia!

Yesterday, I have a post in my blog, introducing Chictopia and inviting my Chinese readers join me in Chictopia, many thanks to some of my Chinese readers that signed up in Chictopia and add me as friend even become my fans there from yesterday. Thank you so much!  I really appreciate that!!!

From June, 2009, I started writing blog and posting pictures in Yoka.com (a Chinese fashion website), and became one of their fashion DaRen (something like Fashion Icon ) , At August, 2010, I stared my own website and writing blog everyday.  You have been watching me and supporting me from then until now.  I have every single one of your names in my heart, I know who you are, even though we may never meet. But I love you from the bottom of my heart.

I know, because of the language problem, most of my Chinese readers wouldn’t enjoy Chictopia , but pls try, you can find a lot of amazing style there, and tons of inspirations. And if you are willing to try to upload your picture there, trust me, it will surprise you that that will have lot of nice comments from people all around the world. Plus, you will get to know and make more friendly friends. (No, chictopia didn’t pay me to say that. Lol)

We know music has no borders; neither does fashion. Open your eyes wider, and open yourself, enjoy the fashion, and let’s have fun!

About my outfits today, I got this BCBG Max azria maxi skirt from a thrift store for $6, and $2 for the red belt.

Today is my shopping day, normally I wear very big or go nothing when I shopping alone, you can tell today I am pretty big 😀

Thrifted BCBG Max azria maxi skirt

Thrifted belt

Silence + Noise Blazer

INCinternational Fake Fur Vest

Silk Tank from Target

Bamboo wedges

H&M Sunglasses

Chanel Bag

26 thoughts on “Welcome to Chictopia!

  1. 我正是在YOKA的论坛里,看到你的文章的呢!至今还记得看到的你的第一篇文章是什么呢!因为你和RB是那么的让人印象深刻。自从你在文章中,粘贴出你个人网站的链接之后,我就转站到这里了。很喜欢你既独特又看着舒服的搭配,也很喜欢你如此惬意的生活。人生就像一次旅行,所以我们都应该珍惜身边的美好,怀着感恩的心努力生活,创造出属于自己的一片天地。共勉之!

  2. 谢谢你的推荐,以后会经常去chictopia网站的,真不不错呀.就像你说的,等我灵感找到了,也大胆上去秀…


  3. 你总是能用很超值的单品,搭配出很独特的风格,这些单品曾经的主人若见了一定会倍感叹服!

  4. Muahah we have the same pair of sunglasses! And I totally support more Chinese going for Chictopia! Unfortunately my Chinese is limited to pork, beef and chicken when I read the menu in Hong Kong.

    Your little boy is adorable.


  5. 太好看了啊, 再一次羡慕HALLIE那里的二手店, 什么时候把今天的败品也晒晒啊? 一般穿得隆重去购物都会大手笔的, 呵呵。。。

  6. WOW!!! You look like a Hollywood Star!!! This skirt is so fab and it suits you so so so greatly!! Your fur vest is beautiful too and..what can a person say about this amazing Chanel baby you’re holding!!! It’s such a beautiful bag! I looove it! 🙂

    No wonder you became a Style Icon (or whatever this is) in Yoka.com! I cannot understand why the heck aren’t you a Fashion Icon in Chictopia, too! It’s crazy, I mean you totally deserve it! I’m steadily becoming addicted to your style! 😀

    Kisses to your beautiful little gentleman! 🙂

  7. 长裙!长裙!超喜欢你穿长裙!真的是显得人又高挑有有范儿!
    期待看你去逛街又买些什么, 我回来后就只是去逛过一次街,也就是去看看Zara和H&M,不知为什么, 最近提不起精神来。

  8. 不好意思哦。Hallie.因为网络问题,我总不能登录你那个网站,所以都还没成为你的FANS,过了今天再加入行吗?这样能帮到你吗?我也是一直追随你的忠实FANS呢,不是把自己的私事也与你分享吗?有这样一个远方的朋友是我的荣幸。还记得我认识你是一次偶然,在YOKA上也是为了看到你才注册的,第一篇的BLOG就是说认识你和RB啦。这样认识也快一年啦。欣赏和学习你的时尚,交流和分享育儿,以后还要多多指教呢。哈,说多了,也感慨一下。

  9. 奇怪了, 从昨天起就开始有朋友说进不去了, 难道真的是被屏毕了? 晕~~~~不要紧的, SUE, 咱们的友情是真实的, 单纯的, 也是长远的^^

  10. 买了条和你一样的HM的短裙, 等下我就发相片;)
    你是不是在国内玩疯了, 回来后没事干, 所以没劲了? 嘻嘻,,,,那就赶快念育儿经吧:)

  11. 哈哈, 不一定啊, 我今天只买了些H&M的东西, 其实穿得隆重只是心情吧, 呵呵….

  12. 哦, 新加坡没有类似的吗? 自从现在兴起VINTAGE后, 这种二手货店现在在这里可吃香了, 而一般他们周日都不开门, 开门的往往都顾客很多^^

  13. what? you mean even my boy know Chinese more than you? lol…just kidding, but don’t you speak Cantonese ? BTW, I speak Cantonese too. And are you born in HK?

  14. 别提了, 让他出门, 他非得穿这夹克, 晕,,,哈哈….
    其实我也蛮想知道这些衣服的原来的主人是谁呢, ,,非常的好奇^^

  15. Belinda说得太好了,,,昨天我还被我妹批评说我现在的中文能力不行了, 看到你的这段文字, 我就汗颜了, 汗…..说得真好….
    借用你的: 共勉之!!!! 希望大家的生活以后都阳光普照, 开开心心的….

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